[pgrouting-users] Is osm2pgrouting compatible with postgis 2.0?


I am trying to import an osm file with osm2pgrouting, i have downloaded last version from git, and complied it from source. i am running (ubuntu 12.04, postgre 9.1, postgis 2.0)

After i run it, it build numerous tables, but it leaves the ways table empty.

Some googling yield mixed responses about this issue, and i saw some responses claiming its only working with postigs 1.5.

Is that the case?

If not, any suggestions how to check why does it not work?

thanks for your help!

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Yaron Lev <yaron666@gmail.com> wrote:


I am trying to import an osm file with osm2pgrouting, i have downloaded
last version from git, and complied it from source. i am running (ubuntu
12.04, postgre 9.1, postgis 2.0)

After i run it, it build numerous tables, but it leaves the ways table

Some googling yield mixed responses about this issue, and i saw some
responses claiming its only working with postigs 1.5.

Is that the case?

If not, any suggestions how to check why does it not work?

It should work with PostGIS 2.0.
At least it works on the recent OSGeo LiveDVD, which has PostGIS 2.0

You could try to look at the OSGeo LiveDVD install script as an example:

Also the pgRouting workshop makes use of pgRouting 2.0, PostGIS 2.0 and the


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