[pgrouting-users] isochrone function

hi all,

i did an isochrone function that i thought might be nice to have in pgrouting. it takes parameters of (lat, lon, distance) and starts at the closest point along the closest line (not the closest node) and returns lines that can be traversed within the threshold of the distance specified including partial lines beyond terminal nodes (using driving distance).

right now it is specific to my table names, column names, data projection, etc, and i have also added two types to be used in it (it is also with postgis 2.0). but if anyone thinks it might be useful i'd be willing to learn how to contribute this.

has anyone done this already or have been working on it? also this is my first sql function so maybe there are things that can be improved. is it possible to add attachments to these emails? if not, what is the best way i can share this query so it can be improved or possibly contributed?


Hi Ian,

Some time ago already I thought it would be nice to provide additional functions like yours to other users. But because they are often written for a specific use case, it doesn’t make sense to add them to the pgRouting repository. Nevertheless it may be very helpful to learn from examples. Or other people may help to improve a contributed function.

So my idea was a pgrouting-contrib repository: https://github.com/pgrouting/pgrouting-contrib
Right now there is only one file in the “wrapper” directory, but anyone is welcome to add new functions. Just tell me your GitHub ID and I can give you commit rights.

Steve made a good proposal to define some minimum requirements for that kind of contributions:


On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Ian <itangert@gmail.com> wrote:

hi all,

i did an isochrone function that i thought might be nice to have in pgrouting. it takes parameters of (lat, lon, distance) and starts at the closest point along the closest line (not the closest node) and returns lines that can be traversed within the threshold of the distance specified including partial lines beyond terminal nodes (using driving distance).

right now it is specific to my table names, column names, data projection, etc, and i have also added two types to be used in it (it is also with postgis 2.0). but if anyone thinks it might be useful i’d be willing to learn how to contribute this.

has anyone done this already or have been working on it? also this is my first sql function so maybe there are things that can be improved. is it possible to add attachments to these emails? if not, what is the best way i can share this query so it can be improved or possibly contributed?


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sounds good…i’ll get some of that documentation in order and then get back to you when i have a GitHub ID,

thank you