[pgrouting-users] Just published a post on using pgRouting on OpenShift

Hey all:
Just want to drop a quick note that I put up a blog post on how to use pgRouting on OpenShift. I cover OSM import, routing queries, and some quick QGIS integration.

Would love your feedback and comments.



On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 3:18 AM, Steven Pousty <spousty@redhat.com> wrote:

Hey all:
Just want to drop a quick note that I put up a blog post on how to use
pgRouting on OpenShift. I cover OSM import, routing queries, and some quick
QGIS integration.

Would love your feedback and comments.



Hi Steve,

Thank you very much! That's a very nice article.
I have never used OpenShift, but I will definitely try it out once.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

This is just a general message but also a message for Daniel and Steve to update pgRouting site windows download section:


2 things:

  1. pgRouting is now included as part of the PostGIS 2.1+ installers for 9.2 and 9.3 and we plan to do the same for PostGIS 2.2 when it comes out, so standard mode of installing from Stack Builder (or download exe from OSGeo postgis downloads (linked on postgis downloads page) will also install pgRouting.

  2. Winnie is sorta down at the moment since we are rebuildig her upgrading hardware and OS to newer version of Windows. Probably won’t have this completed for at least another week. In that case, probably best to get rid of the individual references to her – but just keep the link to the PostGIS windows page which we’ll be updating with her status.
