[pgrouting-users] Large OD matrices

Hi List,

Being rather new at PgRouting (but not to network analysis in general), I am looking for means by which I efficiently can construct all pair, shortest path OD matrices for quite large networks (i.e. a graph of the road network of Denmark, 2.107.981 edges, 860.380 nodes).

I am looking at the All Pairs Shortest Path, Johnson’s or Floyd-Warshall Algorithms.


  1. Can anyone guide me to examples of the SQL syntax (or other code) involved in applying the algorithms

  2. Is there a way that the search (and output) can be simplified by limiting the search to only take OD within a given max-search-radius into account?

Cheers and Thanks




On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Hans Skov-Petersen <hsp@ign.ku.dk> wrote:

Hi List,

Being rather new at PgRouting (but not to network analysis in general), I am looking for means by which I efficiently can construct all pair, shortest path OD matrices for quite large networks (i.e. a graph of the road network of Denmark, 2.107.981 edges, 860.380 nodes).

I am looking at the All Pairs Shortest Path, Johnson’s or Floyd-Warshall Algorithms.


  1. Can anyone guide me to examples of the SQL syntax (or other code) involved in applying the algorithms

Load your data in postgresql database. Open psql terminal and select the db and run the query like
" SELECT id , source, target, cost [,reverse_cost] FROM edge_table "

Refer to this tutorial: http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/shortest_path.html#multiple-shortest-paths-with-kdijkstra

  1. Is there a way that the search (and output) can be simplified by limiting the search to only take OD within a given max-search-radius into account?

No idea, I cant help you here :confused:

Cheers and Thanks


  • Manikanta

Pgrouting-users mailing list

On 12/23/2014 3:55 AM, Hans Skov-Petersen wrote:

Hi List,

Being rather new at PgRouting (but not to network analysis in general),
I am looking for means by which I efficiently can construct all pair,
shortest path OD matrices for quite large networks (i.e. a graph of the
road network of Denmark, 2.107.981 edges, 860.380 nodes).

I'm not familiar with the term OD, but I assume you mean Distance matrices of some kind.

I am looking at the All Pairs Shortest Path, Johnson’s or Floyd-Warshall

If you are generating a distance matrix for 860,380 nodes that will be 740,253,744,400 cells which is really HUGE amount of data!

What are you planning on doing with all this data?


1)Can anyone guide me to examples of the SQL syntax (or other code)
involved in applying the algorithms

As Manikanta mentioned look at the tutorial, you can also look at the test files for trivial examples:



2)Is there a way that the search (and output) can be simplified by
limiting the search to only take OD within a given max-search-radius
into account?

select seq, id1, id2, round(cost::numeric, 2) as cost from pgr_apspWarshall('select id, source, target, cost from apspw', false, false);

The first argument to the function is a sql query for the edges that you want to be used to build your graph from. So you can restriction what edges you pass it by change that query to something like:

'select id, source, target, cost from apspw where st_dwithin(geom, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(<longitude>,<latitude>),4326), <radius>)'

Where <radius> is in degrees and 1 degrees is approximately equal to 127788 meters.


Cheers and Thanks


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