[pgrouting-users] map-matching


i see these map matching functions on pgrouting site


i want to use map-matching function.

i use quntumGis to visualization.

can sombody help me how to use these function on Qgis to do map-matching on my network?

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 12:56 AM, Tina Musa <timuso@yahoo.gr> wrote:


i see these map matching functions on pgrouting site


i want to use map-matching function.

i use quntumGis to visualization.

can sombody help me how to use these function on Qgis to do map-matching
on my network?

These functions won't work anymore with pgRouting 2.0
They were not official pgRouting functions, but you could try to use them
as example for writing some custom ones.


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