[pgrouting-users] Matching edges with its raw GPS traces

I have Runkeeper.com raw GPS traces . I used pgr_nodeNetwork and pgr_createTopology to create graph out of this data.

If I want to match an activity(a user’s running record) which has raw GPS traces with the edge formed out of it, is there any function in PGRouting which can help me to figure out this edge? If there are some edges missing due to threshold limits I am fine with it.

To make it more clear let me also explain my question with a picture attached in this email, the black dots are gps traces of my running activity, then I used PGRouting to form a graph with this data(just an assumption). The green line is the edge corresponding to the black dotted gps traces. Now I need to find this green edge matching these black dots programmatically.

So is there any library available in PGRouting which can help me to match these raw GPS traces to find its corresponding edge?

Thanks and Regards,
Raghavan KL


Hi Raghavan,

Your GPS data contains a timestamp for each point, right?
So you could first import your points into a table and then make a LineString from your points, ordered by time.

SELECT ST_MakeLine(pnt_geom) AS geom
FROM gpstrack ORDER BY timestamp;

And then you could simplify your Linestring to make it look more straight.
That’s also a PostGIS function: http://postgis.net/docs/ST_Simplify.html



On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Raghavan Krishnasamylakshmanaperumal <rkrish20@uic.edu> wrote:

I have Runkeeper.com raw GPS traces . I used pgr_nodeNetwork and pgr_createTopology to create graph out of this data.

If I want to match an activity(a user’s running record) which has raw GPS traces with the edge formed out of it, is there any function in PGRouting which can help me to figure out this edge? If there are some edges missing due to threshold limits I am fine with it.

To make it more clear let me also explain my question with a picture attached in this email, the black dots are gps traces of my running activity, then I used PGRouting to form a graph with this data(just an assumption). The green line is the edge corresponding to the black dotted gps traces. Now I need to find this green edge matching these black dots programmatically.

So is there any library available in PGRouting which can help me to match these raw GPS traces to find its corresponding edge?

Thanks and Regards,
Raghavan KL

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