[pgrouting-users] Multiple Origins/Multiple Destinations

Is there an efficient strategy for obtaining the shortest route from multiple origins to multiple destinations?

To be clear, I’m not talking about returning a shortest route for the pairing of each origin to each destination. (This is the current behavior when arrays are passed in for start and end vertices.) What I am talking about is returning a single shortest route that represents the shortest of all possibilities between the origin and destination vertices.

I hope that makes sense.


Hello Spencer:

Do you mean something like pgr_TSP? that visits all the nodes?

if you mean something like TSP, take into account that TSP is an NP-problem, so it will not give “the shortest” route that visits all the nodes, but “a” route that visits all the nodes that is a local minimum.

Suppose you used the pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix as input to pgr_TSP, once you have the ordering of the visits, you can get the path by calling pgr_dijkstraVia





On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 11:18 AM, Spencer Gardner <spencergardner@gmail.com> wrote:

Is there an efficient strategy for obtaining the shortest route from multiple origins to multiple destinations?

To be clear, I’m not talking about returning a shortest route for the pairing of each origin to each destination. (This is the current behavior when arrays are passed in for start and end vertices.) What I am talking about is returning a single shortest route that represents the shortest of all possibilities between the origin and destination vertices.

I hope that makes sense.


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