[pgrouting-users] New workshop for pgrouting-2.0

I downloaded the new pgrouting workshop from github. But it is missing pages for the the “Server side script with PHP” and remaining chapter 8. Please add something similar to that also in the new workshop?


හිෂාන් මෙලංග | Hishan Melanga

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:48 PM, Hishan Melanga <hishanm@gmail.com> wrote:

I downloaded the new pgrouting workshop from github. But it is missing
pages for the the "Server side script with PHP" and remaining chapter
8. Please add something similar to that also in the new workshop?

The workshop is not ready yet. I think I wrote it already.
And the PHP part is not very difficult and long. Feel free to contribute an
updated version.



හිෂාන් මෙලංග | Hishan Melanga <http://hishanmelanga.blogspot.com/&gt;

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