[pgrouting-users] Newbie to OSGeo

I would be applying for GSOC this year, so while going through last year's
page I came across your organization and found it interesting to work with.
I'd gone through the skills required and I had a basic idea of all the
platforms required. I'd recently worked with osm in one of my academic
project and implemented a simple off-line routing platform independent app
for my college. While going through the ideas page I saw various search and
flow algorithms that are needed to be implemented. I also have basic idea
of tabu search and astar search. So I strongly feel that I would be able to
contribute well to this organization.
As I'm new to this organization I would like to get familiar with the code
base and know how things are implemented and how things work so that I'm in
a position to add or improve something.Also as I'm new to postgresql and
pgrouter, I would need guidance to setup the project on my machine and would
like to get familiar with these technologies.
Any help would be of great importance for me at this point of time. Looking
forward for a reply.

Umang Goel.

On 1/31/2014 11:11 AM, Umang Goel wrote:

I would be applying for GSOC this year, so while going through last year's
page I came across your organization and found it interesting to work with.
I'd gone through the skills required and I had a basic idea of all the
platforms required. I'd recently worked with osm in one of my academic
project and implemented a simple off-line routing platform independent app
for my college. While going through the ideas page I saw various search and
flow algorithms that are needed to be implemented. I also have basic idea
of tabu search and astar search. So I strongly feel that I would be able to
contribute well to this organization.
As I'm new to this organization I would like to get familiar with the code
base and know how things are implemented and how things work so that I'm in
a position to add or improve something.Also as I'm new to postgresql and
pgrouter, I would need guidance to setup the project on my machine and would
like to get familiar with these technologies.
Any help would be of great importance for me at this point of time. Looking
forward for a reply.

Hi Umang,

Thank you for your interest in OSGeo and pgRouting.

You can look at:

and the other links here:
http://pgrouting.org/ -- look at the user docs and the new workshop

You can also look at the current open issues and potentially pick one to try and resolve as a way to get started. If you want some help picking an issue let us know.

We welcome students and developer that want to get involved with pgRouting. Most of us work on this because we love the project and devote a lot of free time to support it.

Best regards,