[pgrouting-users] Optimal Meeting Point

Greetings to all,

Is there any implementation out there of the Optimal Meeting Point (OMP) algorithm based on pgRouting?

Thank you,


Hi Luis,

How would you define the optimal meeting point?

There is a driving distance function, which can also return the cost to each point within a certain distance.
To search for the optimal point of three people for example, you could do three driving distance calculations and then choose the point, which has smallest equal distance (cost) for each person.
As always, cost can be distance but also time or whatever you choose as cost.



On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 6:25 PM, Luís de Sousa <luis.a.de.sousa@gmail.com> wrote:

Greetings to all,

Is there any implementation out there of the Optimal Meeting Point (OMP) algorithm based on pgRouting?

Thank you,


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