[pgrouting-users] osm2pgrouting mapconfig.xml documentation

osm2pgrouting’s documentation is right now a Wiki page on Github

Thanks. I looked through the Github page but the documentation about how mapconfig.xml works appears to be incomplete. I’ll have to look at the workshop. I bet that has better information.

Have you checked the tables created during osm2pgrouting?

Yes. It seems that in cases with matches under multiple tags it either assigns to the first type in mapconfig.xml or drops the way completely from the import. I filed a bug report here about the second outcome:


About traffic signals, speed bumps, basically tags on nodes, I don’t think that is done yet.

I added a feature request



On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 6:59 PM, Spencer Gardner <spencergardner@gmail.com> wrote:

osm2pgrouting’s documentation is right now a Wiki page on Github

Thanks. I looked through the Github page but the documentation about how mapconfig.xml works appears to be incomplete. I’ll have to look at the workshop. I bet that has better information.

Have you checked the tables created during osm2pgrouting?

Yes. It seems that in cases with matches under multiple tags it either assigns to the first type in mapconfig.xml or drops the way completely from the import. I filed a bug report here about the second outcome:


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