[pgrouting-users] osm2pgrouting release 2.3.3

​Hello all:

Announcing the osm2pgrouting release 2.3.3. Code can be found here:


The pgRouting team wants to thank Cayetano Benavent for his help on fixing & testing this new release

Several bug fixes were done:

  • Fixed the --clean flag wrong behaviour
  • Fixed the bad-alloc problem by only including the required relations
  • Fixed the problem when using the --add-nodes flag

The full list of closed issues can be found here:


​pgRouting team​

Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Salzmannstraße 44, 
81739 München, Germany

Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

eMail: vicky@[georepublic.de](http://georepublic.de)
Web: [https://georepublic.info](https://georepublic.info)

Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9

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CEO: Daniel Kastl