[pgrouting-users] pgRoutgin segment aggregation

Hello. I’m using pgRouting for traffic congestion analysis. After gathering enough data I’d like to display estimated traffic congestion via Google Maps API using pgRouting edges geometries as reference. How can I aggregate pgRouting edges to segments representing larger road sections, eg. between two major intersections?

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Jakub Krawczyk <krj29b@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello. I’m using pgRouting for traffic congestion analysis. After gathering enough data I’d like to display estimated traffic congestion via Google Maps API using pgRouting edges geometries as reference. How can I aggregate pgRouting edges to segments representing larger road sections, eg. between two major intersections?

You could use ST_Union to aggregate geometries, but you need to be able to define where a major intersection is.
For example you could loop through your result and when there is a change of a road name, you would start a new aggregation.


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