[pgrouting-users] pgRouting 2.0.0-beta

Hi all,

Since the (inofficial) alpha release of the new pgRouting 2.0.0 lots of smaller and bigger issues have been fixed: for example TSP now accepts a start and also an end point, the “develop” branch is checked on Travis CI with every commit and tested with different versions of PostgreSQL/PostGIS, etc…

As part of building packages for the Launchpad PPA I have tagged “v2.0.0-beta” as new release.
Please help with testing and reporting issues, so we can release the a stable pgRouting soon!

Also osm2pgrouting was updated and should work now with OSM 32bit ID’s as well as new pgRouting functions: https://github.com/pgRouting/osm2pgrouting/tags

It would be great to get feedback from testers!
Just write to the mailing list and/or report issues on Github:


PS: the current development still takes place in the “develop” branch.

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Daniel and all,

Amazing work by you and all the fine pgRouting developer

Looking forward for pgRouting you workshop on 27 June
with the new and shiny pgRouting 2.0.0-beta



On 2013/06/19 10:48, Daniel Kastl wrote:

Hi all,

Since the (inofficial) alpha release of the new pgRouting 2.0.0 lots of
smaller and bigger issues have been fixed: for example TSP now accepts a
start and also an end point, the "develop" branch is checked on Travis CI
with every commit and tested with different versions of PostgreSQL/PostGIS,

As part of building packages for the Launchpad PPA I have tagged
"v2.0.0-beta" as new release.
Please help with testing and reporting issues, so we can release the a
stable pgRouting soon!

    - The website was updated and lists the new features:
    - The documentation for Version "2.0.0-beta":
    - Github project site:
    - Launchpad PPA:
    - Windows builds:
    - Download source: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tags

Also osm2pgrouting was updated and should work now with OSM 32bit ID's as
well as new pgRouting functions:

It would be great to get feedback from testers!
Just write to the mailing list and/or report issues on Github:

    - pgRouting: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues
    - osm2pgrouting: https://github.com/pgRouting/osm2pgrouting/issues


PS: the current development still takes place in the "develop" branch.

pgrouting-dev mailing list