[pgrouting-users] pgRouting dijkstra (points and lines)

hello all,
I have a question, how can I get the shortest path with dijkstra algorithm on a map but additionally have another layer or points of interest files from the map.
I set up pgrouting from http://www.utdallas.edu/~ama054000/rt_tutorial.html

for example: I have two layers, hotel (points) and road (polylines)
From hotel A (start point) to hotel B (end point) I can get road 2,3,4

there is any way to integrate these two files (point and line) into one so that for the calculations. In other words, how can I connect two tables, road and hotel to get dijkstra result?

Thanks for your answers

If all your data is in the database, then you can so queries within your shortest path query.
Look at this workshop example:

SELECT * FROM shortest_path(’
SELECT gid as id,
length::double precision as cost
FROM ways’,
5700, 6733, false, false);


You can replace start and end point with a query, which is in my example from the same table. But you can modify such a select however you like:

SELECT * FROM shortest_path(’
SELECT gid as id,
length::double precision as cost
FROM ways’,
(SELECT min(source)::int FROM ways), (SELECT max(source)::int FROM ways), false, false);

Does this help?

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 4:21 PM, dy32 mutQ <dmutq@yahoo.com> wrote:

hello all,
I have a question, how can I get the shortest path with dijkstra algorithm on a map but additionally have another layer or points of interest files from the map.
I set up pgrouting from http://www.utdallas.edu/~ama054000/rt_tutorial.html

for example: I have two layers, hotel (points) and road (polylines)

From hotel A (start point) to hotel B (end point) I can get road 2,3,4

there is any way to integrate these two files (point and line) into one so that for the calculations. In other words, how can I connect two tables, road and hotel to get dijkstra result?

Thanks for your answers

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