[pgrouting-users] pgRouting Directions

On 11/27/2015 6:03 AM, Anass El Ghellab wrote:


First of all I will introduce my self.
I'm Anass EL GHALLAB, student in France and this year we have to build a
webmapping interface with routing capabilities using pgRouting.

Everything works just fine but now to improve it I wanted to implement a
directions method that return directions of the itinerary (straight,
left, right...)
I really don't see how to it so I will be pleased if you show me the how
it can be done.

Thank you

Hello Anass,

It is best if you ask questions like this on the list so everyone has an opportunity to answer and benefit from the responses.

Here is what I have written in the past on this:


Hi Anass,

Sorry I forgot to post the list location. Go to the URL below and subscribe to the list then you can post to the list.

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Yes, I seem to be the only person that ever post about making an itinerary for driving directions. I wrote up all the details are here on how to do it here:


You will have to write some plpgsql stored procedures to implement it. It should be a fun project.


On 11/27/2015 7:59 PM, Anass El Ghellab wrote:

Hello sir,

First of all I would like to thank you for giving some of your time to
answer a student.

Now I would like to know where can I post my question (where can YOU
answer it?).
I insist on having the methods and steps to accomplish the task from you
because when I searched on the internet I found that everyone and every
forum is pointing at you. I even found that some people suggest on
searching for "woodbridge directions" on Google.
About my project, I created a postgis database in which I imported a
.osm data file that contains routes for Montpellier in France using
OSM2PO, after I created a pgr_fromAtoB and used a Geoserver to create a
view with 4 params (x1,y1;x3,y2) then I queried the server using a WMS
by a OpenLayers interface everything is working just fine and it
calculate the itinerary.
For the directions I think that I can do that by using the heading
(azimuth...) that is returned by the pgr_fromAtoB.
Am I getting this right? And for you sir what is the best way of
querying a pgRouting(geoserver or geojson)?

I would like to thank you again and Im so sorry for my English

Le 27 nov. 2015 15:55, "Stephen Woodbridge" <woodbri@swoodbridge.com
<mailto:woodbri@swoodbridge.com>> a écrit :

    On 11/27/2015 6:03 AM, Anass El Ghellab wrote:


        First of all I will introduce my self.
        I'm Anass EL GHALLAB, student in France and this year we have to
        build a
        webmapping interface with routing capabilities using pgRouting.

        Everything works just fine but now to improve it I wanted to
        implement a
        directions method that return directions of the itinerary (straight,
        left, right...)
        I really don't see how to it so I will be pleased if you show me
        the how
        it can be done.

        Thank you

    Hello Anass,

    It is best if you ask questions like this on the list so everyone
    has an opportunity to answer and benefit from the responses.

    Here is what I have written in the past on this:
