[pgrouting-users] pgRouting2 .0

Dear Sir,

I am having a problem implementing pgRouting 2.0 specially with the TSP. I read in one of the site that it does not support multiple visits in TSP. Is there any other procedure for doing the same using pgRouting 2.0.

It would really be great for me.

Thanking you,

Shulaxan Sharma

On 8/6/2014 12:32 PM, Shulaxan wrote:

Dear Sir,

I am having a problem implementing pgRouting 2.0 specially with the TSP.
I read in one of the site that it does not support multiple visits in
TSP. Is there any other procedure for doing the same using pgRouting 2.0.

This is correct, we do not support multiple visits, but we are not looking at routes between the cities, only how to order the cities. So it is possible that given a distance matrix, used to order the cities, that when you actually route them on a road network that you might revisit a city.

It would really be great for me.

Maybe you can explain your problem in a little bit more detail and why you think the current TSP will not work.


Thanking you,

Shulaxan Sharma

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