[pgrouting-users] Possible documentation error

Hi List

Sorry if this is wrong but in pgRoutingDocumentation-2.3.2.pdf page 16

There is a reference to a edge table

I think a column is missing from_cost

This assumes that to_cost isthe cost off getting from source to target, then from cost is the cost of going the other way

It might also help me to populate this table if I knew what then columns were, I can make an educated guess, but I would like tosee it

I have assumed
cost_len is the length ofthe ling between source and target
cost_time is the time it takes to get between the source and the target

The rcost_len and rcost_time are the values for the reverse journey

x1/y1is the location of source
x2/y2 is the location of the target

I have no clue what rule and isolated should be set to

When it comes to analysing a graph is very useful to know that you can say
SELECT pgr_analyzegraph(‘concl_edge_table’,0.00005,source:=‘source_port_id’,target:=‘target_port_id’,the_geom:=‘port_geom’);

Just incase your source and target colums are not called source or target, ditto the_geom fieldneeds to be documented in the edge_table



Hi Dave,

The PDF source is a bit difficult to follow.
Do you mean the following chapter of the documentation?

Can you see, if the issue you mention has changed with a more recent version of the documentation?
(The link above is the most recent version)

Best regards,


On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 5:12 AM, Dave Potts <mrdapotts@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi List

Sorry if this is wrong but in pgRoutingDocumentation-2.3.2.pdf page 16

There is a reference to a edge table

I think a column is missing from_cost

This assumes that to_cost isthe cost off getting from source to target, then from cost is the cost of going the other way

It might also help me to populate this table if I knew what then columns were, I can make an educated guess, but I would like tosee it

I have assumed
cost_len is the length ofthe ling between source and target
cost_time is the time it takes to get between the source and the target

The rcost_len and rcost_time are the values for the reverse journey

x1/y1is the location of source
x2/y2 is the location of the target

I have no clue what rule and isolated should be set to

When it comes to analysing a graph is very useful to know that you can say
SELECT pgr_analyzegraph(‘concl_edge_table’,0.00005,source:=‘source_port_id’,target:=‘target_port_id’,the_geom:=‘port_geom’);

Just incase your source and target colums are not called source or target, ditto the_geom fieldneeds to be documented in the edge_table



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