[pgrouting-users] postgis 2.0 error find_srid()

Hi guys,

I'm installed the pgrouting with postgres 9.1.8 and postgis 2 and i have all my data in a distint schema (not 'public')...
When i run the query to create topology [1] i get an error [2].

I'm already try to run select 'populate_geometry_columns()' and the table is corectly referenced in geometry_columns.

Can anybody help me with that or a different function of postgis to create topology?


SELECT assign_vertex_id('arcos', .001, 'the_geom', 'id');

NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "vertices_tmp_id_seq" for serial column "vertices_tmp.id"
CONTEXT: SQL statement "CREATE TABLE vertices_tmp (id serial)"
PL/pgSQL function "assign_vertex_id" line 15 at EXECUTE statement
ERROR: find_srid() - couldnt find the corresponding SRID - is the geometry registered in the GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table? Is there an uppercase/lowercase missmatch?
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "assign_vertex_id" line 21 at assignment