[pgrouting-users] Problem with osm2pgrouting

Hi, I’m trying to import a osm file into a postgre DB + pgrouting with osm2pgrouting, but when I run the command

./osm2pgrouting -file /home/julio/Documentos/compilar/mexico.osm/mexico.osm -conf mapconfig.xml -dbname routing -user prodgen -clean

All seems to star ok, but then a lot of messages like “We need a way of type highway and class residential” or "We DON’T need a way of type and class " shown.

In the end, 6 tables are created, but ways is empty, (nodes has 3728779 rows), and the program prints this lines and stay there for ever.

Split ways
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY creará el índice implícito «nodes_pkey» para la tabla «nodes»
Nodes table created
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY creará el índice implícito «ways_pkey» para la tabla «ways»
Ways table created
Types table created
Classes table created

This is the file I’m trying to import:


What Can I do?.

Thank you for your help.