[pgrouting-users] Questions on osm2pgrouting

Dear all,

I've been importing large OSM datasets with osm2pgrouting. The tool works
quite well, but I have a few doubts:

. *What is the ways_vertices_pgr_id_seq used for?* I ask this because I need
to move the tables create by osm2pgrouting into their own schema.

. *Why aren't there any foreign keys?* I can see there are a number of
columns that make reference to other tables but no formal constraints are
created. Is this a bug?

. *Why isn't reverse cost equal to length for all rows?* Every time I import
an OSM dataset I have to run an UPDATE query with 'reverse_cost = length',
usually this is not the case for about 10% of the rows.

Thank you,


View this message in context: http://pgrouting-users.974093.n3.nabble.com/Questions-on-osm2pgrouting-tp4025397.html
Sent from the pgRouting-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

I can only answer one of these questions (and indirectly):

You can move your data. You can also ensure it goes into the correct schema by default by setting your role's search path

ALTER ROLE postgres SET search_path TO myschema,public;


  Stephen V. Mather
GIS Manager
(216) 635-3243 (Work)

From: pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org <pgrouting-users-bounces@lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Luís de Sousa <luis.a.de.sousa@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 5:58 AM
To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [pgrouting-users] Questions on osm2pgrouting

Dear all,

I've been importing large OSM datasets with osm2pgrouting. The tool works
quite well, but I have a few doubts:

. *What is the ways_vertices_pgr_id_seq used for?* I ask this because I need
to move the tables create by osm2pgrouting into their own schema.

. *Why aren't there any foreign keys?* I can see there are a number of
columns that make reference to other tables but no formal constraints are
created. Is this a bug?

. *Why isn't reverse cost equal to length for all rows?* Every time I import
an OSM dataset I have to run an UPDATE query with 'reverse_cost = length',
usually this is not the case for about 10% of the rows.

Thank you,


View this message in context: http://pgrouting-users.974093.n3.nabble.com/Questions-on-osm2pgrouting-tp4025397.html
Sent from the pgRouting-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Pgrouting-users mailing list

. *What is the ways_vertices_pgr_id_seq used for?* I ask this because I
to move the tables create by osm2pgrouting into their own schema.

If you create a table with a column of type "serial", then PostgreSQL
automatically creates a sequence. This could be the cause here, but I
didn't check it.

. *Why aren't there any foreign keys?* I can see there are a number of
columns that make reference to other tables but no formal constraints are
created. Is this a bug?

I wouldn't say that it's a bug, but if you want to send a patch to add
foreign keys, that's welcome.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de