[pgrouting-users] Re: Pgrouting-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 4

I had a similar thought/question that I wanted to run by the list to make sure my thinking is sound and hopefully answer one more piece of my puzzle. I am very new to pgRouting, but have been playing around with it enough to come up with some of my own ways of doing things. If I am missing any key concepts that make my thinking incorrect or if there are more efficient ways to complete the process, I am open to critique.

My thought was to use the alphashape function in pgRouting to generate the polygons based upon the cost field. If the cost field were in distance units, it would create a polygon of X distance. If cost were in time, it would create a polygon of X time. Then, to get something similar to Peter’s request, couldn’t you simply select the underlying road segments that are completely within the polygon? While it wouldn’t give you the exact roads available for travel, it would theoretically be very close, right? Am I missing any key concepts that would make this thought process incorrect?

The code I am using for a single polygon is:

SELECT the_geom
FROM points_as_polygon(‘SELECT id, ST_X(the_geom) AS x, ST_Y(the_geom) AS y FROM a_drive_dist WHERE cost <= 5’);

Lastly, my code above gives me a single polygon representing a cost of 5. How would I change this code to generate multiple polygons in the same layer representing cost units of 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, and so on? I have in my head something like the SELECT…GROUP BY function but for continuous values. Thanks!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Schmiedeskamp <peter@thoughtspot.net>
To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 10:18:21 -0700
Subject: [pgrouting-users] PgRouting and sub-networks / catchments
Dear PgRouting list,

I posted this question to the gis.stackexchange.com site a few days
ago, but haven’t had any responses. I’m reposting here in hopes that
someone on this list may be able to help.

I have a polyline shapefile representing a road network and a second
shapefile containing points. I would like to use PostGIS (presumably
PgRouting) to identify sub-networks or service areas radiating from
these points.

Essentially, I am hoping to ask the question, “Starting from point X,
how far could I walk in any given direction, given a total travel
budget of 1 km, following the road network?” The result would be a set
of clipped polylines representing the total range of travel
possibility, given a 1 km travel budget.

For reference, this GRASS analysis appears to be exactly what I want
to do (except I want to do this in PostGIS):

This next example appears to be almost what I want to do, except it
seems to answer the question “which nodes could I travel to given a
travel budget of X distance?”

The second is not quite the answer I’m looking for, as I want the
polylines clipped to my travel distance–I don’t care if I make it all
the way to a node.


P.S. If anyone is interested in why this sort of analysis is useful,
this journal article (hurray for open access journals!) explains how
network buffers are more appropriate for some urban transportation
planning applications. When you’re dealing with pedestrians in areas
with large superblocks, this also helps explain why distances to nodes
are not quite accurate enough.

Oliver, Lisa N, Nadine Schuurman, and Alexander W Hall. 2007.
Comparing circular and network buffers to examine the influence of
land use on walking for leisure and errands. International journal of
health geographics 6, no. 1 (January): 41. doi:10.1186/1476-072X-6-41.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com>
To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 14:05:50 -0400
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] PgRouting and sub-networks / catchments
Hi Peter,

pgRouting has a driving distance function which kind of does what you want but not quite. I am trying to do something similar so I can describe what you need to do and the problems are that I have found so far.

  1. if you do a Dijkstra solutions from a given node, it will generate the shortest path tree from that start node.

Problem: driving distance almost give you this as it returns:
vertex_id, edge_id, cost (to that vertex from the start).
In theory you should be able to reconstruct the tree from this information, but there appears to be a bug in pgRouting where it does not return all the edges and you end up with multiple disconnected trees in the reconstruction of the tree because of the missing edge records.


  1. wait for a bug fix

  2. fix it yourself if you have the skill

  3. clone the driving distance code and make a new function that returns:
    vertex_id, parent_id, edge_id, cost and then reconstruct the tree from this.

  4. assuming you can get the Dijkstra tree, write a DFS (depth first search) of the tree the collects the edges and of one of you outbound paths

  5. create a linestring from the outbound path, maybe something like
    select st_memunion(the_geom) from edges where gid in (list of edge ids from DFS);

  6. trim the linestring to your cutoff distance. look at the linear referencing functions.

So bottom line, there is no canned solution for this today. Search the dev list for subject “Driving Directions Revisited” for my discussion on the bug above.

I would like to see a function that returns a setof paths from a start node to a cutoff distance as you describe. Or a set of tools that make the Dijkstra solution available for additional post processing.

-Steve W

On 6/1/2011 4:54 PM, Ryan Dalton wrote:

I had a similar thought/question that I wanted to run by the list to
make sure my thinking is sound and hopefully answer one more piece of my
puzzle. I am very new to pgRouting, but have been playing around with
it enough to come up with some of my own ways of doing things. If I am
missing any key concepts that make my thinking incorrect or if there are
more efficient ways to complete the process, I am open to critique.

My thought was to use the *alphashape *function in pgRouting to generate
the polygons based upon the cost field. If the cost field were in
distance units, it would create a polygon of X distance. If cost were
in time, it would create a polygon of X time. Then, to get something
similar to Peter's request, couldn't you simply select the underlying
road segments that are completely within the polygon? While it wouldn't
give you the exact roads available for travel, it would theoretically be
very close, right? Am I missing any key concepts that would make this
thought process incorrect?

Yes, this will work fine as far as it goes. It is possible to have islands that you can not reach within the polygon and to have multiple polygons that are disconnected except by a road segment. So depending on your use cases what you describe may work, just as circle might work from some use cases. If you need the possible routes then this will obviously not work as you pointed out. Also be aware that the alpha shape is probably calculated based on the node and not the shape of the segments that represent the edges in the graph. This may or may not matter again depending on your use case.


The code I am using for a single polygon is:
/SELECT the_geom /
/FROM points_as_polygon('SELECT id, ST_X(the_geom) AS x, ST_Y(the_geom)
AS y FROM a_drive_dist WHERE cost <= 5');/

Lastly, my code above gives me a single polygon representing a cost of
5. How would I change this code to generate multiple polygons in the
same layer representing cost units of 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, and so on? I
have in my head something like the SELECT...GROUP BY function but for
continuous values. Thanks!


    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Peter Schmiedeskamp <peter@thoughtspot.net
    To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
    Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 10:18:21 -0700
    Subject: [pgrouting-users] PgRouting and sub-networks / catchments
    Dear PgRouting list,

    I posted this question to the gis.stackexchange.com
    <http://gis.stackexchange.com> site a few days
    ago, but haven't had any responses. I'm reposting here in hopes that
    someone on this list may be able to help.

    I have a polyline shapefile representing a road network and a second
    shapefile containing points. I would like to use PostGIS (presumably
    PgRouting) to identify sub-networks or service areas radiating from
    these points.

    Essentially, I am hoping to ask the question, "Starting from point X,
    how far could I walk in any given direction, given a total travel
    budget of 1 km, following the road network?" The result would be a set
    of clipped polylines representing the total range of travel
    possibility, given a 1 km travel budget.

    For reference, this GRASS analysis appears to be exactly what I want
    to do (except I want to do this in PostGIS):

    This next example appears to be almost what I want to do, except it
    seems to answer the question "which nodes could I travel to given a
    travel budget of X distance?"

    The second is not quite the answer I'm looking for, as I want the
    polylines clipped to my travel distance--I don't care if I make it all
    the way to a node.


    P.S. If anyone is interested in why this sort of analysis is useful,
    this journal article (hurray for open access journals!) explains how
    network buffers are more appropriate for some urban transportation
    planning applications. When you're dealing with pedestrians in areas
    with large superblocks, this also helps explain why distances to nodes
    are not quite accurate enough.

    Oliver, Lisa N, Nadine Schuurman, and Alexander W Hall. 2007.
    Comparing circular and network buffers to examine the influence of
    land use on walking for leisure and errands. International journal of
    health geographics 6, no. 1 (January): 41. doi:10.1186/1476-072X-6-41.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com
    To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
    Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 14:05:50 -0400
    Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] PgRouting and sub-networks / catchments
    Hi Peter,

    pgRouting has a driving distance function which kind of does what
    you want but not quite. I am trying to do something similar so I can
    describe what you need to do and the problems are that I have found
    so far.

    1. if you do a Dijkstra solutions from a given node, it will
    generate the shortest path tree from that start node.

    Problem: driving distance almost give you this as it returns:
    vertex_id, edge_id, cost (to that vertex from the start).
    In theory you should be able to reconstruct the tree from this
    information, but there appears to be a bug in pgRouting where it
    does not return all the edges and you end up with multiple
    disconnected trees in the reconstruction of the tree because of the
    missing edge records.

    1. wait for a bug fix
    2. fix it yourself if you have the skill
    3. clone the driving distance code and make a new function that returns:
    vertex_id, parent_id, edge_id, cost and then reconstruct the tree
    from this.

    2. assuming you can get the Dijkstra tree, write a DFS (depth first
    search) of the tree the collects the edges and of one of you
    outbound paths

    3. create a linestring from the outbound path, maybe something like
       select st_memunion(the_geom) from edges where gid in (list of
    edge ids from DFS);

    4. trim the linestring to your cutoff distance. look at the linear
    referencing functions.

    So bottom line, there is no canned solution for this today. Search
    the dev list for subject "Driving Directions Revisited" for my
    discussion on the bug above.

    I would like to see a function that returns a setof paths from a
    start node to a cutoff distance as you describe. Or a set of tools
    that make the Dijkstra solution available for additional post

    -Steve W

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