[pgrouting-users] Re: [postgis-users] getting the longest connected path of a multistring

On 12/16/2010 8:28 AM, arno wrote:

I have a multistring geometry, and I want to get the maximal length of
consecutive linestrings.

For example, if the following example is my multilinestring, I want to get the
length of A + B + E

\ A
  \ C
   \ B /
  / \
   D \
                         \ E
     \ F \
      \ G

So, I think I should try to generate all the possible paths and check their
length and get the maximum of them.
I've looked at ST_LineMerge but, from what I understand, it will take the first
segment, and add them as soon as it can. So, I think I'll end up with (ABC, D,
E, FG). Am I right about that ?

So, I've tried to decompose the geom in an array of linestring (with
ST_NumGeometries and ST_GeometryN), then rearrange them with a permutation
(http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Permutations). But this quickly became
complicated, so before going on in that direction, I was wondering if there was
an easy/direct way of doing what I want.

This class of problems belongs to graph theory. While there is not a direct solution to this problem implemented in pgRouting, pgRouting does deal with graph problems in the postgresql/postgis database by using the boost graph library. You might want to look into boost graph if you are a C++ programmer, or start a discussion on the pgRouting list.

Here is an algorithm that may be helpful:

CC this to the pgRouting list.

Hope this helps,


Maybe this post from Paul Ramsey can help you a bit e.g http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2010/07/network-walking-in-postgis.html


GIS specialist

Le vendredi 17 décembre 2010, à 10:32:01 +0100, Thomas a écrit :


Maybe this post from Paul Ramsey can help you a bit e.g


thanks for your pointers. The post does not match exactly my needs. And I
did not succeeded in modifying it. Also, I don't want to go the c++ way for
now. Fortunately, that computation is not a vital of my project, so I'll
probably let it down, at least for the moment.
