[pgrouting-users] Reg: Introduction to VRP Pickup and Delivery problem and work done in GSoC

Hi all,

I am Manikanta, a GSoC student for pgRouting. I’ve implemented a partially optimized VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem with time windows. This algorithm has many practical uses in the real world. There is a big scope to extend this problem and implement further.

I thank my mentors Daniel and Steve for giving me this wonderful opportunity and guiding me in the right way. Solving routing problems became my passion and interest. Hence I’d love to contribute to pgRouting in the future as well. This GSoC will be the first step. A lot more to come.

Repo details:


How to test it:

  • Clone it from github
  • Compile and build it
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -DWITH_DD=ON …
    sudo make install
  • Open psql command line (sudo su postgres)
    \c pgr_test__db__test (Select Database)
    select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw(‘select * from customer’::text, 25, 200);

Output has 4 columns(seq, rid, nid, cost)
seq: starts from 0(first route first node) to (last route last node)
rid: Shows the route id
nid: Nodes in that particular route
cost: Cost calculated till that point

Example: Sample output
0 | 1 | 0 | 0
1 | 1 | 79 | 668
2 | 1 | 80 | 859
3 | 1 | 49 | 1091
4 | 1 | 47 | 1183
5 | 1 | 0 | 1201
6 | 2 | 0 | 0
7 | 2 | 81 | 47
8 | 2 | 76 | 293
9 | 2 | 70 | 477
10 | 2 | 73 | 570
11 | 2 | 0 | 625

Interpretation of this will be:
From seq 0 to 5 has details about first route and seq 6 to 11 about second route.
Route 1: Nodes->[0 79 80 49 47 0] Cost → [0 658 859 1091 1183 1201]
Route 2: Nodes->[0 81 76 70 73 0] Cost → [0 47 293 477 570 625]

So final costs for route1 and route2 are 1201 and 625.

I’m planning to write a blog which contains all of these details. I’ll do it in a few weeks. Before that if you find any difficulties or want to give me suggestions, feel free to contact me. Hope everything goes well.

Finally this is one of my best summers, thanks to my mentors & pgRouting community. You’re awesome :slight_smile:




I would be interested in learning more about this new feature. Can you give us details on the inputs?

What is the schema of the customer table?
What are the 2 other arguments in the function?

Can you briefly describe a simple real life use case that is represented by your example?

Thank you,

On 14-08-26 02:09 AM, Manikanta Kondeti wrote:

Hi all,

    I am Manikanta, a GSoC student for pgRouting. I've implemented a
partially optimized VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem with time windows.
This algorithm has many practical uses in the real world. There is a big
scope to extend this problem and implement further.

    I thank my mentors Daniel and Steve for giving me this wonderful
opportunity and guiding me in the right way. Solving routing problems
became my passion and interest. Hence I'd love to contribute to
pgRouting in the future as well. This GSoC will be the first step. A lot
more to come.

*Repo details:*

*How to test it:*
   * Clone it from github
   * Compile and build it
          mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DWITH_DD=ON ..
          sudo make install
    * Open psql command line (sudo su postgres)
           \c pgr_test__db__test (Select Database)
           select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw('select * from
customer'::text, 25, 200);

* Output:*
**Output has 4 columns(seq, rid, nid, cost)
             seq: starts from 0(first route first node) to (last route
last node)
               rid: Shows the route id
               nid: Nodes in that particular route
             cost: Cost calculated till that point

     Example: /Sample output /
                      0 | 1 | 0 | 0
                      1 | 1 | 79 | 668
                      2 | 1 | 80 | 859
                      3 | 1 | 49 | 1091
                      4 | 1 | 47 | 1183
                      5 | 1 | 0 | 1201
                      6 | 2 | 0 | 0
                      7 | 2 | 81 | 47
                      8 | 2 | 76 | 293
                      9 | 2 | 70 | 477
                     10 | 2 | 73 | 570
                     11 | 2 | 0 | 625

/ Interpretation of this will be/:
      From seq 0 to 5 has details about first route and seq 6 to 11
about second route.
_Route 1_: Nodes->[0 79 80 49 47 0] Cost -> [0 658 859 1091 1183 1201]
_Route 2:_ Nodes->[0 81 76 70 73 0] Cost -> [0 47 293 477 570 625]

        So final costs for route1 and route2 are 1201 and 625.

I'm planning to write a blog which contains all of these details. I'll
do it in a few weeks. Before that if you find any difficulties or want
to give me suggestions, feel free to contact me. Hope everything goes well.

Finally this is one of my best summers, thanks to my mentors & pgRouting
community. You're awesome :slight_smile:


Pgrouting-users mailing list

Julien-Samuel Lacroix
T: +1 418-696-5056 #202


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 9:14 PM, Julien-Samuel Lacroix <
jlacroix@mapgears.com> wrote:



Thank you

I would be interested in learning more about this new feature. Can you
give us details on the inputs?

What is the schema of the customer table?
What are the 2 other arguments in the function?

Can you briefly describe a simple real life use case that is represented
by your example?

Thank you,

   Let me first explain you the input and output format. There is a
central depot with 'm' vehicles and there are 'n' customer nodes (n/2
pickup locations and n/2 delivery locations). So the problem is, a vehicle
will start from the central depot to a pickup location, pickup the things
and delivery it to the corresponding delivery location.

  The database contains details about depot and customer nodes. Each
customer has a few attributes
(See this:

The two other arguments in the function are number of vehicles and
capacity of each vehicle.

  If you want to know more about the problem (check it here:

* Testing:*
   git clone https://github.com/pgrouting/pgrouting
   git checkout gsoc-vrppdtw
Compile it:
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -DWITH_DD=ON ..
    sudo make install

Create database and import data:
    sudo su postgres
    createdb my_vrpdp_test
    psql my_vrpdp_test -c "create extension postgis; create extension
    psql my_vrpdp_test -f "path/to/pgrouting/src/vrppdtw

Function to retrieve output:
    psql my_vrpdp_test -c "select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw('select * from
customer'::text, 25, 200)"

Output format is explained in the previous mail.
I can't directly take a real world example, but I'm sure there are some
real world practical applications
       * Transportation of raw materials from suppliers to factories.
       * Internet-based pickup from sellers and delivery to buyers
       * Pickup and delivery of charitable donations from homes to
different organizations
       * Transport of medical samples from medical offices to laboratories

I hope this is a bit clear now. I'll waiting for some feedback :slight_smile:


On 14-08-26 02:09 AM, Manikanta Kondeti wrote:

Hi all,

    I am Manikanta, a GSoC student for pgRouting. I've implemented a
partially optimized VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem with time windows.
This algorithm has many practical uses in the real world. There is a big
scope to extend this problem and implement further.

    I thank my mentors Daniel and Steve for giving me this wonderful
opportunity and guiding me in the right way. Solving routing problems
became my passion and interest. Hence I'd love to contribute to
pgRouting in the future as well. This GSoC will be the first step. A lot
more to come.

*Repo details:*

*How to test it:*
   * Clone it from github
   * Compile and build it
          mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DWITH_DD=ON ..
          sudo make install
    * Open psql command line (sudo su postgres)
           \c pgr_test__db__test (Select Database)
           select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw('select * from
customer'::text, 25, 200);

* Output:*
**Output has 4 columns(seq, rid, nid, cost)

             seq: starts from 0(first route first node) to (last route
last node)
               rid: Shows the route id
               nid: Nodes in that particular route
             cost: Cost calculated till that point

     Example: /Sample output /

                      0 | 1 | 0 | 0
                      1 | 1 | 79 | 668
                      2 | 1 | 80 | 859
                      3 | 1 | 49 | 1091
                      4 | 1 | 47 | 1183
                      5 | 1 | 0 | 1201
                      6 | 2 | 0 | 0
                      7 | 2 | 81 | 47
                      8 | 2 | 76 | 293
                      9 | 2 | 70 | 477
                     10 | 2 | 73 | 570
                     11 | 2 | 0 | 625

/ Interpretation of this will be/:
      From seq 0 to 5 has details about first route and seq 6 to 11
about second route.
_Route 1_: Nodes->[0 79 80 49 47 0] Cost -> [0 658 859 1091 1183
_Route 2:_ Nodes->[0 81 76 70 73 0] Cost -> [0 47 293 477 570 625]

        So final costs for route1 and route2 are 1201 and 625.

I'm planning to write a blog which contains all of these details. I'll
do it in a few weeks. Before that if you find any difficulties or want
to give me suggestions, feel free to contact me. Hope everything goes

Finally this is one of my best summers, thanks to my mentors & pgRouting
community. You're awesome :slight_smile:


Pgrouting-users mailing list

Julien-Samuel Lacroix
T: +1 418-696-5056 #202
Pgrouting-users mailing list

I forgot to explain more important constraints i.e… Time windows.

The time windows are units of time from open of the depot. So the depot opens at time=0. Each customer has a few attributes related to time. (Etime: Earliest time, Ltime: Latest time, Stime: Service time). Analogy will be like this, a tourist want to visit a city, so the particular location like shopping mall will have open_time(Etime) , Close_time(Ltime) and Visit time(Stime). If a vehicle arrives before Etime then it has to wait, and if it arrives after Ltime, then it is not a feasible solution. We need to add service time whenever a vehicle arrives and does either pickup or delivery.

  • These are the following constraints:
  • If a vehicle get there before the time window opens it has to wait
  • All vehicles have to return to the depot by the depot close time
  • Also obviously the same vehicle that makes a pickup also has to deliver that order
  • All trucks have the same capacity as passed to the function and a truck can not exceed that capacity during it trip, if it is full, then it has to make deliveries to free up space before it can make another pickup

So the input data has x,y location of the order, ±demand where + is pickup and - is delivery
and the the open and close times for the window.


On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 12:58 AM, Manikanta Kondeti <mani.iiit123@gmail.com> wrote:


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 9:14 PM, Julien-Samuel Lacroix <jlacroix@mapgears.com> wrote:



Thank you

I would be interested in learning more about this new feature. Can you give us details on the inputs?

What is the schema of the customer table?
What are the 2 other arguments in the function?

Can you briefly describe a simple real life use case that is represented by your example?

Thank you,

Let me first explain you the input and output format. There is a central depot with ‘m’ vehicles and there are ‘n’ customer nodes (n/2 pickup locations and n/2 delivery locations). So the problem is, a vehicle will start from the central depot to a pickup location, pickup the things and delivery it to the corresponding delivery location.

The database contains details about depot and customer nodes. Each customer has a few attributes
(See this: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/blob/gsoc-vrppdtw/src/vrppdtw/test/pdp-any-00.data)

The two other arguments in the function are number of vehicles and capacity of each vehicle.

If you want to know more about the problem (check it here: https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/VRP-Pickup-Delivery-Problem)

git clone https://github.com/pgrouting/pgrouting
git checkout gsoc-vrppdtw
Compile it:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DWITH_DD=ON …
sudo make install

Create database and import data:
sudo su postgres

createdb my_vrpdp_test
psql my_vrpdp_test -c “create extension postgis; create extension pgrouting;”

psql my_vrpdp_test -f “path/to/pgrouting/src/vrppdtw/test/pdp-any-00.data”

Function to retrieve output:
psql my_vrpdp_test -c “select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw(‘select * from customer’::text, 25, 200)”

Output format is explained in the previous mail.
I can’t directly take a real world example, but I’m sure there are some real world practical applications

  • Transportation of raw materials from suppliers to factories.
  • Internet-based pickup from sellers and delivery to buyers
  • Pickup and delivery of charitable donations from homes to different organizations
  • Transport of medical samples from medical offices to laboratories

I hope this is a bit clear now. I’ll waiting for some feedback :slight_smile:


On 14-08-26 02:09 AM, Manikanta Kondeti wrote:

Hi all,

I am Manikanta, a GSoC student for pgRouting. I’ve implemented a
partially optimized VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem with time windows.
This algorithm has many practical uses in the real world. There is a big
scope to extend this problem and implement further.

I thank my mentors Daniel and Steve for giving me this wonderful
opportunity and guiding me in the right way. Solving routing problems
became my passion and interest. Hence I’d love to contribute to
pgRouting in the future as well. This GSoC will be the first step. A lot
more to come.

Repo details:

How to test it:

  • Clone it from github

  • Compile and build it
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -DWITH_DD=ON …
    sudo make install

  • Open psql command line (sudo su postgres)
    \c pgr_test__db__test (Select Database)
    select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw(‘select * from
    customer’::text, 25, 200);

  • Output:*
    **Output has 4 columns(seq, rid, nid, cost)

seq: starts from 0(first route first node) to (last route
last node)
rid: Shows the route id
nid: Nodes in that particular route
cost: Cost calculated till that point

Example: /Sample output /
0 | 1 | 0 | 0
1 | 1 | 79 | 668
2 | 1 | 80 | 859
3 | 1 | 49 | 1091
4 | 1 | 47 | 1183
5 | 1 | 0 | 1201
6 | 2 | 0 | 0
7 | 2 | 81 | 47
8 | 2 | 76 | 293
9 | 2 | 70 | 477
10 | 2 | 73 | 570
11 | 2 | 0 | 625

/ Interpretation of this will be/:

From seq 0 to 5 has details about first route and seq 6 to 11
about second route.

Route 1: Nodes->[0 79 80 49 47 0] Cost → [0 658 859 1091 1183 1201]
Route 2: Nodes->[0 81 76 70 73 0] Cost → [0 47 293 477 570 625]

So final costs for route1 and route2 are 1201 and 625.

I’m planning to write a blog which contains all of these details. I’ll
do it in a few weeks. Before that if you find any difficulties or want
to give me suggestions, feel free to contact me. Hope everything goes well.

Finally this is one of my best summers, thanks to my mentors & pgRouting
community. You’re awesome :slight_smile:


Pgrouting-users mailing list

Julien-Samuel Lacroix
T: +1 418-696-5056 #202

Pgrouting-users mailing list


Thanks for a great explanation.

There are a lot of real life examples of this problem, like a bicycle or truck messenger service. They get an order to pickup a package at location X and deliver it to location Y. Time windows facilitate when people are available for the pickup and delivery times.

Another common problem that uses is this model is a Dial-A-Ride where a person calls in and needs to schedule transport at a given time to arrive at some location at a given time. Think of a wheel chair transport service, or moving patients between medical facilities for tests or care.

So the vehicle can be bicycle, car, truck, bus, ambulance, whatever. The current implementation tries to minimize the total number of vehicles needed and the total travel time/distance of the solution. We currently use simple Euclidean distances, but the problem could be modified to generate a distance matrix of travel times between nodes and then optimized on that.

There are a lot of details about these problems and changes that can be made to tune the problem to any specific variation of the problem needed.

Mani has done a great job pulling together this problem as code in pgrouting and we hope he will continue to work on this as time permits to build on and improve the solver.


On 8/26/2014 3:55 PM, Manikanta Kondeti wrote:

I forgot to explain more important constraints i.e.. Time windows.

  The time windows are units of time from open of the depot. So the
depot opens at time=0. Each customer has a few attributes related to
time. (Etime: Earliest time, Ltime: Latest time, Stime: Service time).
Analogy will be like this, a tourist want to visit a city, so the
  particular location like shopping mall will have open_time(Etime) ,
Close_time(Ltime) and Visit time(Stime). If a vehicle arrives before
Etime then it has to wait, and if it arrives after Ltime, then it is not
a feasible solution. We need to add service time whenever a vehicle
arrives and does either pickup or delivery.

* These are the following constraints:
* If a vehicle get there before the time window opens it has to wait
* All vehicles have to return to the depot by the depot close time
* Also obviously the same vehicle that makes a pickup also has to
deliver that order
* All trucks have the same capacity as passed to the function and a
truck can not exceed that capacity during it trip, if it is full, then
it has to make deliveries to free up space before it can make another pickup

So the input data has x,y location of the order, +-demand where + is
pickup and - is delivery
  and the the open and close times for the window.

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 12:58 AM, Manikanta Kondeti
<mani.iiit123@gmail.com <mailto:mani.iiit123@gmail.com>> wrote:


    On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 9:14 PM, Julien-Samuel Lacroix
    <jlacroix@mapgears.com <mailto:jlacroix@mapgears.com>> wrote:



    Thank you

        I would be interested in learning more about this new feature.
        Can you give us details on the inputs?

        What is the schema of the customer table?
        What are the 2 other arguments in the function?

        Can you briefly describe a simple real life use case that is
        represented by your example?

        Thank you,

        Let me first explain you the input and output format. There is
    a central depot with 'm' vehicles and there are 'n' customer nodes
    (n/2 pickup locations and n/2 delivery locations). So the problem
    is, a vehicle will start from the central depot to a pickup
    location, pickup the things and delivery it to the corresponding
    delivery location.

       The database contains details about depot and customer nodes.
    Each customer has a few attributes
    (See this:

      The two other arguments in the function are number of vehicles and
    capacity of each vehicle.

       If you want to know more about the problem (check it here:

    * Testing:*
    **git clone https://github.com/pgrouting/pgrouting
    git checkout gsoc-vrppdtw
    Compile it:
      mkdir build && cd build
         cmake -DWITH_DD=ON ..
         sudo make install

    Create database and import data:
         sudo su postgres
    createdb my_vrpdp_test
         psql my_vrpdp_test -c "create extension postgis; create
    extension pgrouting;"
         psql my_vrpdp_test -f

    Function to retrieve output:
    psql my_vrpdp_test -c "select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw('select * from
    customer'::text, 25, 200)"

    Output format is explained in the previous mail.
    I can't directly take a real world example, but I'm sure there are
    some real world practical applications
            * Transportation of raw materials from suppliers to factories.
            * Internet-based pickup from sellers and delivery to buyers
            * Pickup and delivery of charitable donations from homes to
    different organizations
            * Transport of medical samples from medical offices to

    I hope this is a bit clear now. I'll waiting for some feedback :slight_smile:


        On 14-08-26 02:09 AM, Manikanta Kondeti wrote:

            Hi all,

                 I am Manikanta, a GSoC student for pgRouting. I've
            implemented a
            partially optimized VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem with
            time windows.
            This algorithm has many practical uses in the real world.
            There is a big
            scope to extend this problem and implement further.

                 I thank my mentors Daniel and Steve for giving me this
            opportunity and guiding me in the right way. Solving routing
            became my passion and interest. Hence I'd love to contribute to
            pgRouting in the future as well. This GSoC will be the first
            step. A lot
            more to come.

            *Repo details:*

            *How to test it:*
                * Clone it from github
                * Compile and build it
                       mkdir build && cd build
            cmake -DWITH_DD=ON ..
                       sudo make install
                 * Open psql command line (sudo su postgres)
                        \c pgr_test__db__test (Select Database)
                        select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw('select * from
            customer'::text, 25, 200);

            * Output:*
            **Output has 4 columns(seq, rid, nid, cost)

                          seq: starts from 0(first route first node) to
            (last route
            last node)
                            rid: Shows the route id
                            nid: Nodes in that particular route
                          cost: Cost calculated till that point

                  Example: /Sample output /

                                   0 | 1 | 0 | 0
                                   1 | 1 | 79 | 668
                                   2 | 1 | 80 | 859
                                   3 | 1 | 49 | 1091
                                   4 | 1 | 47 | 1183
                                   5 | 1 | 0 | 1201
                                   6 | 2 | 0 | 0
                                   7 | 2 | 81 | 47
                                   8 | 2 | 76 | 293
                                   9 | 2 | 70 | 477
                                  10 | 2 | 73 | 570
                                  11 | 2 | 0 | 625

            / Interpretation of this will be/:
                   From seq 0 to 5 has details about first route and seq
            6 to 11
            about second route.
            _Route 1_: Nodes->[0 79 80 49 47 0] Cost -> [0 658 859
            1091 1183 1201]
            _Route 2:_ Nodes->[0 81 76 70 73 0] Cost -> [0 47 293 477
            570 625]

                     So final costs for route1 and route2 are 1201 and 625.

            I'm planning to write a blog which contains all of these
            details. I'll
            do it in a few weeks. Before that if you find any
            difficulties or want
            to give me suggestions, feel free to contact me. Hope
            everything goes well.

            Finally this is one of my best summers, thanks to my mentors
            & pgRouting
            community. You're awesome :slight_smile:

            LSI, IIIT-H

            Pgrouting-users mailing list

        Julien-Samuel Lacroix
        T: +1 418-696-5056 #202
        Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Thank you very much to both of you for the detailed explanation. I'm looking forward to try this out.


On 14-08-26 04:18 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:


Thanks for a great explanation.

There are a lot of real life examples of this problem, like a bicycle or
truck messenger service. They get an order to pickup a package at
location X and deliver it to location Y. Time windows facilitate when
people are available for the pickup and delivery times.

Another common problem that uses is this model is a Dial-A-Ride where a
person calls in and needs to schedule transport at a given time to
arrive at some location at a given time. Think of a wheel chair
transport service, or moving patients between medical facilities for
tests or care.

So the vehicle can be bicycle, car, truck, bus, ambulance, whatever. The
current implementation tries to minimize the total number of vehicles
needed and the total travel time/distance of the solution. We currently
use simple Euclidean distances, but the problem could be modified to
generate a distance matrix of travel times between nodes and then
optimized on that.

There are a lot of details about these problems and changes that can be
made to tune the problem to any specific variation of the problem needed.

Mani has done a great job pulling together this problem as code in
pgrouting and we hope he will continue to work on this as time permits
to build on and improve the solver.


On 8/26/2014 3:55 PM, Manikanta Kondeti wrote:

I forgot to explain more important constraints i.e.. Time windows.

  The time windows are units of time from open of the depot. So the
depot opens at time=0. Each customer has a few attributes related to
time. (Etime: Earliest time, Ltime: Latest time, Stime: Service time).
Analogy will be like this, a tourist want to visit a city, so the
  particular location like shopping mall will have open_time(Etime) ,
Close_time(Ltime) and Visit time(Stime). If a vehicle arrives before
Etime then it has to wait, and if it arrives after Ltime, then it is not
a feasible solution. We need to add service time whenever a vehicle
arrives and does either pickup or delivery.

* These are the following constraints:
* If a vehicle get there before the time window opens it has to wait
* All vehicles have to return to the depot by the depot close time
* Also obviously the same vehicle that makes a pickup also has to
deliver that order
* All trucks have the same capacity as passed to the function and a
truck can not exceed that capacity during it trip, if it is full, then
it has to make deliveries to free up space before it can make another

So the input data has x,y location of the order, +-demand where + is
pickup and - is delivery
  and the the open and close times for the window.

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 12:58 AM, Manikanta Kondeti
<mani.iiit123@gmail.com <mailto:mani.iiit123@gmail.com>> wrote:


    On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 9:14 PM, Julien-Samuel Lacroix
    <jlacroix@mapgears.com <mailto:jlacroix@mapgears.com>> wrote:



    Thank you

        I would be interested in learning more about this new feature.
        Can you give us details on the inputs?

        What is the schema of the customer table?
        What are the 2 other arguments in the function?

        Can you briefly describe a simple real life use case that is
        represented by your example?

        Thank you,

        Let me first explain you the input and output format. There is
    a central depot with 'm' vehicles and there are 'n' customer nodes
    (n/2 pickup locations and n/2 delivery locations). So the problem
    is, a vehicle will start from the central depot to a pickup
    location, pickup the things and delivery it to the corresponding
    delivery location.

       The database contains details about depot and customer nodes.
    Each customer has a few attributes
    (See this:


      The two other arguments in the function are number of vehicles and
    capacity of each vehicle.

       If you want to know more about the problem (check it here:


    * Testing:*
    **git clone https://github.com/pgrouting/pgrouting
    git checkout gsoc-vrppdtw
    Compile it:
      mkdir build && cd build
         cmake -DWITH_DD=ON ..
         sudo make install

    Create database and import data:
         sudo su postgres
    createdb my_vrpdp_test
         psql my_vrpdp_test -c "create extension postgis; create
    extension pgrouting;"
         psql my_vrpdp_test -f

    Function to retrieve output:
    psql my_vrpdp_test -c "select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw('select * from
    customer'::text, 25, 200)"

    Output format is explained in the previous mail.
    I can't directly take a real world example, but I'm sure there are
    some real world practical applications
            * Transportation of raw materials from suppliers to
            * Internet-based pickup from sellers and delivery to buyers
            * Pickup and delivery of charitable donations from homes to
    different organizations
            * Transport of medical samples from medical offices to

    I hope this is a bit clear now. I'll waiting for some feedback :slight_smile:


        On 14-08-26 02:09 AM, Manikanta Kondeti wrote:

            Hi all,

                 I am Manikanta, a GSoC student for pgRouting. I've
            implemented a
            partially optimized VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem with
            time windows.
            This algorithm has many practical uses in the real world.
            There is a big
            scope to extend this problem and implement further.

                 I thank my mentors Daniel and Steve for giving me this
            opportunity and guiding me in the right way. Solving routing
            became my passion and interest. Hence I'd love to
contribute to
            pgRouting in the future as well. This GSoC will be the first
            step. A lot
            more to come.

            *Repo details:*



            *How to test it:*
                * Clone it from github
                * Compile and build it
                       mkdir build && cd build
            cmake -DWITH_DD=ON ..
                       sudo make install
                 * Open psql command line (sudo su postgres)
                        \c pgr_test__db__test (Select Database)
                        select * from pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw('select * from
            customer'::text, 25, 200);

            * Output:*
            **Output has 4 columns(seq, rid, nid, cost)

                          seq: starts from 0(first route first node) to
            (last route
            last node)
                            rid: Shows the route id
                            nid: Nodes in that particular route
                          cost: Cost calculated till that point

                  Example: /Sample output /

                                   0 | 1 | 0 | 0
                                   1 | 1 | 79 | 668
                                   2 | 1 | 80 | 859
                                   3 | 1 | 49 | 1091
                                   4 | 1 | 47 | 1183
                                   5 | 1 | 0 | 1201
                                   6 | 2 | 0 | 0
                                   7 | 2 | 81 | 47
                                   8 | 2 | 76 | 293
                                   9 | 2 | 70 | 477
                                  10 | 2 | 73 | 570
                                  11 | 2 | 0 | 625

            / Interpretation of this will be/:
                   From seq 0 to 5 has details about first route and seq
            6 to 11
            about second route.
            _Route 1_: Nodes->[0 79 80 49 47 0] Cost -> [0 658 859
            1091 1183 1201]
            _Route 2:_ Nodes->[0 81 76 70 73 0] Cost -> [0 47 293 477
            570 625]

                     So final costs for route1 and route2 are 1201 and

            I'm planning to write a blog which contains all of these
            details. I'll
            do it in a few weeks. Before that if you find any
            difficulties or want
            to give me suggestions, feel free to contact me. Hope
            everything goes well.

            Finally this is one of my best summers, thanks to my mentors
            & pgRouting
            community. You're awesome :slight_smile:

            LSI, IIIT-H

            Pgrouting-users mailing list

        Julien-Samuel Lacroix
        T: +1 418-696-5056 #202
        Pgrouting-users mailing list

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Pgrouting-users mailing list

Julien-Samuel Lacroix
T: +1 418-696-5056 #202