[pgrouting-users] Rev 2.0 needs more testing

Hi all,

pgRouting 2.0 needs more testing. I have two issues related to postGIS 1.5 that I'm waiting on a server so I can debug it. Otherwise I have cleaned up all the known bugs that are reproducable and I have updated all the documentation for issues that I noticed during my review except some duplication of a few sections.

So I think we are ready to consider pushing another beta or release candidate status in the near future. This means the code should be very stable, the doc should be in good shape, and we really need people to give it a spin and report problems and successes that they find.


1. download and test it

2. review the docs and report back on these (where do we need more info)
    The most current online docs are here:

3. report what platform and versions you used
    select * from pgr_version();
    select postgis_full_version();
    select * from version();

4. report what commands you used

5. report success and failures, open tickets and provide test cases if you can, but email to the list is ok too.

No reports means no testing :frowning:
No testing means a poor release :frowning: :frowning:

I appreciate all the private and public notes of support I have gotten and I think we are very close to a release.


FYI, I just committed the final fixes and changes to resolve the postgis 1.5 issues, and replaced the random number generator used in TSP with one that is portable across 32-64 bit arch. This has caused some minor differences in the order of the TSP results that do not impact the overall distance of the results.

I think we are ready for Release Candidate 1.


On 7/14/2013 10:33 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

Hi all,

pgRouting 2.0 needs more testing. I have two issues related to postGIS
1.5 that I'm waiting on a server so I can debug it. Otherwise I have
cleaned up all the known bugs that are reproducable and I have updated
all the documentation for issues that I noticed during my review except
some duplication of a few sections.

So I think we are ready to consider pushing another beta or release
candidate status in the near future. This means the code should be very
stable, the doc should be in good shape, and we really need people to
give it a spin and report problems and successes that they find.


1. download and test it

2. review the docs and report back on these (where do we need more info)
    The most current online docs are here:

3. report what platform and versions you used
    select * from pgr_version();
    select postgis_full_version();
    select * from version();

4. report what commands you used

5. report success and failures, open tickets and provide test cases if
you can, but email to the list is ok too.

No reports means no testing :frowning:
No testing means a poor release :frowning: :frowning:

I appreciate all the private and public notes of support I have gotten
and I think we are very close to a release.

pgrouting-dev mailing list