[pgrouting-users] Rewrite of one of the TSP functions, updated tests and docs, closing ...

Hi All,

If you are interested in TSP functions, I just made some big changes. Look at issues #127 and #156 for details.

I have replaced one function with plpgsql functions, updated the documentation and test. This probably need some testing and reviewing.

Feedback welcome.


On 12/07/13 03:49, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
ticket 156 (http://download.osgeo.org/pgrouting/forum/pgrouting.postlbs.org/ticket/156.html) last updated 19 months ago.
ticket 127(http://download.osgeo.org/pgrouting/forum/pgrouting.postlbs.org/ticket/127.html) lastchanged 7 days ago

Neither of these tickets seem to refer to the current version of the tsp, are these the right ticket number or just proof that I do not known how to look at closed tickets?

If work is being done on the TSP interface, it would be nice if distance matrix version

1 Returned a defined data results, something like pgr_costResult instead of just a list
2. Return the cost between nodes


Hi All,

If you are interested in TSP functions, I just made some big changes. Look at issues #127 and #156 for details.

I have replaced one function with plpgsql functions, updated the documentation and test. This probably need some testing and reviewing.

Feedback welcome.

Pgrouting-users mailing list

On 7/12/2013 3:56 AM, Dave Potts wrote:

On 12/07/13 03:49, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
ticket 156
last updated 19 months ago.
lastchanged 7 days ago

Neither of these tickets seem to refer to the current version of the
tsp, are these the right ticket number or just proof that I do not known
how to look at closed tickets?



If work is being done on the TSP interface, it would be nice if distance
matrix version

1 Returned a defined data results, something like pgr_costResult instead
of just a list
2. Return the cost between nodes

The new functions does this:
pgr_costResult pgr_tsp(sql text, start_id integer);
pgr_costResult pgr_tsp(sql text, start_id integer, end_id integer);

Look at the plpgsql for this, it is not trivial to manage renumbering of ids to indexes and back again. I'll take another look at the tsp matrix function.



Hi All,

If you are interested in TSP functions, I just made some big changes.
Look at issues #127 and #156 for details.

I have replaced one function with plpgsql functions, updated the
documentation and test. This probably need some testing and reviewing.

Feedback welcome.

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Apologies! Time to go and Read The Fine Manual!


On 12/07/13 13:29, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

On 7/12/2013 3:56 AM, Dave Potts wrote:

On 12/07/13 03:49, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
ticket 156
last updated 19 months ago.
lastchanged 7 days ago

Neither of these tickets seem to refer to the current version of the
tsp, are these the right ticket number or just proof that I do not known
how to look at closed tickets?



If work is being done on the TSP interface, it would be nice if distance
matrix version

1 Returned a defined data results, something like pgr_costResult instead
of just a list
2. Return the cost between nodes

The new functions does this:
pgr_costResult pgr_tsp(sql text, start_id integer);
pgr_costResult pgr_tsp(sql text, start_id integer, end_id integer);

Look at the plpgsql for this, it is not trivial to manage renumbering of ids to indexes and back again. I’ll take another look at the tsp matrix function.



Hi All,

If you are interested in TSP functions, I just made some big changes.
Look at issues #127 and #156 for details.

I have replaced one function with plpgsql functions, updated the
documentation and test. This probably need some testing and reviewing.

Feedback welcome.


Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Just updated the “dev” docs: http://docs.pgrouting.org/dev/doc/index.html

@steve: it’s very easy to update. From your build directory just run

git checkout gh-pages && rm -Rf dev && cp -r build/html dev && git add dev && cp build/index.html .
git commit -m “updated to commit […]” . && git push origin gh-pages

It does a checkout of the “Github pages” branch, then replaces the current “dev” directory with the contents of the “build/html” directory and pushes the changes back Github.
When the content of the “gh-pages” branch is updated, then the docs are also the latest ones.

Just creating release documentation involves a few more manual edits.


On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 3:52 AM, Dave Potts <dave.potts@pinan.co.uk> wrote:

On 12/07/13 13:29, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

On 7/12/2013 3:56 AM, Dave Potts wrote:

On 12/07/13 03:49, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
ticket 156
last updated 19 months ago.
lastchanged 7 days ago

Neither of these tickets seem to refer to the current version of the
tsp, are these the right ticket number or just proof that I do not known
how to look at closed tickets?



Apologies! Time to go and Read The Fine Manual!

If work is being done on the TSP interface, it would be nice if distance
matrix version

1 Returned a defined data results, something like pgr_costResult instead
of just a list
2. Return the cost between nodes

The new functions does this:
pgr_costResult pgr_tsp(sql text, start_id integer);
pgr_costResult pgr_tsp(sql text, start_id integer, end_id integer);

Look at the plpgsql for this, it is not trivial to manage renumbering of ids to indexes and back again. I’ll take another look at the tsp matrix function.



Hi All,

If you are interested in TSP functions, I just made some big changes.
Look at issues #127 and #156 for details.

I have replaced one function with plpgsql functions, updated the
documentation and test. This probably need some testing and reviewing.

Feedback welcome.


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Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

Pgrouting-users mailing list

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