[pgrouting-users] scalability of driving_distance

Hi all,

I am interested in two things:

1) what is the scalability of this function, when do I get a out of memory? (I tested until 11,000,000 of edges and it is still working fine.)

2) what kind of data structure is used to store the edges? Is it an adjacency list or adjacency matrix. I suppose it is a main memory data structure

thanks for your answer

Ph D. Student Markus Innerebner

DIS Research Group - Faculty of Computer Science
Free University Bozen-Bolzano

gpg --fingerprint
pub 1024D/588F6308 2007-01-09
       Key fingerprint = 6948 947E CBD2 89FD E773 E863 914F EB1B 588F 6308
sub 2048g/BF4877D0 2007-01-09

Hi Markus,

1. Always worked, never failed :slight_smile:
Seriously, we never tested it for such things. Perhaps we didn't met a
data set big enough.

2. Adjacency list.


Hi Anton

thanks for your answer

1. Always worked, never failed :slight_smile:
Seriously, we never tested it for such things. Perhaps we didn't met a
data set big enough.

I will try to find out the limits. I let you know, at what size it throw such exception

Ph D. Student Markus Innerebner

DIS Research Group - Faculty of Computer Science
Free University Bozen-Bolzano

gpg --fingerprint
pub 1024D/588F6308 2007-01-09
       Key fingerprint = 6948 947E CBD2 89FD E773 E863 914F EB1B 588F 6308
sub 2048g/BF4877D0 2007-01-09