[pgrouting-users] shooting star algorithm in Python?

Does anyone know any efforts made to write the shooting star shortest path algorithm in Python?
Kind regards, Sebastian

Dear Sebastian,
You may use SQL connection to call PgRouting methods. We have implemented AStar method for finding routes meeting TurnRestrictions. I am suggesting you to take a look at OSM (OpenStreetMap) and check their implementation for AStar TurnRestricted route finding. They implementation is in Java. Based on theirs, I implemented the algorithm in Ruby and it works like a clock (Much more better than PgRouting).

Right now, I could not publish the code but I would help you if you face any problem.


  • Roozbeh

From: “S.I.A.Tutert@ctw.utwente.nl” S.I.A.Tutert@ctw.utwente.nl
To: pgrouting-users@lists.osgeo.org
Sent: Tue, July 5, 2011 2:46:18 AM
Subject: [pgrouting-users] shooting star algorithm in Python?

Does anyone know any efforts made to write the shooting star shortest path algorithm in Python?
Kind regards, Sebastian