[pgrouting-users] [SoC] Google Summer of Code 2012 announced

As in the previous years I would like to participate with pgRouting in Google Summer of Code.

OSGeo is going to apply as a mentor organization again and I forward their announcement.
I have created a pgRouting SoC Ideas wiki page by copying the one of the last year:

If you would like to help as a mentor this year, just add your name to the “possible mentors” section.
If you’re a student and interested to apply, discuss your idea(s) with us on the mailing list. As earlier as better!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 4:12 AM
Subject: [SoC] Google Summer of Code 2012 announced
To: OSGeo Google Summer of Code list <soc@lists.osgeo.org>

Hello all!

GSoC 2012 has been announced [1,2] and OSGeo is going to apply as
mentoring organisation, like it did successfully in past years.

What’s up now? OSGeo projects that plan to take part in GSoC are
invited to put together an Ideas page on their wiki and add a link to
it on our central Ideas page [3,4], make a “call for mentors” on their
communication channels, and welcome would-be students as contributors.

Would-be students can browse the Ideas pages of previous years and
contact former students and mentors. We also suggest them to that they
introduce themselves and start contributing to the project they have
chosen, in order to get in touch with the project’s community and get
familiar with the codebase.

All: take a look at the calendar [5] and spread the word about OSGeo
GSoC in real and virtual places around the world!

all the best,
OSGeo GSoC administrator

[1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2012
[4] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2012_Ideas

SoC mailing list

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de