[pgrouting-users] [SoC] Student applications: 2 days left!

Hello GSoC candidates,

We are hoping that some students are applying for GSoC for the pgRouting project. Time is very short to get your student applications! Both Danial and I are ready and willing to be Mentors.


-------- Original Message --------
Hello all,

time is getting short for students applications, and we only have few
proposals so far.

Students, please prepare with your mentors the first draft of the
proposal and submit it on Melange as soon as possible. I'd suggest to
avoid last minute submissions, as the site will be presumably

Proposals can be edited until the deadline, April 6th 19:00 UTC so in
about 2 days, 11 hours from now.

You can use the date command to get the deadline for your timezone:

   date --date='TZ="UTC" 19:00 next Fri'

or open the Melange homepage, where there is a countdown.

Also, we hope that Geoserver, Mapserver, OSSIM... will participate
this year. Let me know if there are any issues with applications and

Looking forward to see many good proposals!

OSGeo GSoC Administrator

Attached Message Part (130 Bytes)

Hi Steve,

I still have a version of the Kshortest path stuff, its currently
unstable, there is a memory problem somewhere.

I will try and get it sorted.

I just wanted to stop anybody else wasting their time on repeating probem.

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

Hello GSoC candidates,

We are hoping that some students are applying for GSoC for the pgRouting
project. Time is very short to get your student applications! Both
Danial and I are ready and willing to be Mentors.


-------- Original Message --------
Hello all,

time is getting short for students applications, and we only have few
proposals so far.

Students, please prepare with your mentors the first draft of the
proposal and submit it on Melange as soon as possible. I'd suggest to
avoid last minute submissions, as the site will be presumably

Proposals can be edited until the deadline, April 6th 19:00 UTC so in
about 2 days, 11 hours from now.

You can use the date command to get the deadline for your timezone:

   date --date='TZ="UTC" 19:00 next Fri'

or open the Melange homepage, where there is a countdown.

Also, we hope that Geoserver, Mapserver, OSSIM... will participate
this year. Let me know if there are any issues with applications and

Looking forward to see many good proposals!

OSGeo GSoC Administrator

Pgrouting-users mailing list



I am looking around recently to get an appropriate topic.

Here are something I would like to work on:

  1. K-shortest path
    I want to implement an revised Yen’s algorithm based on this paper:
  2. a new shortest path algorithm
    I revised the classical two-q algorithm, and got a new algorithm named mild-two-q, here is my paper:
  3. Contraction Hierarchies Algorithm

The first one is the one I like mostly. If it is not already done and no body else is working on it, I want to do it.
The second one is also interesting. Since I developed the algorithm, I definitely want to apply it to a widely used program. But as it is not tested in many road networks, the practical efficiency can not be guaranteed at present.
For the third one, I am hesitating, because I do not know much about Contraction Hierarchies Algorithm. I scanned its source code and it looks like it is not an easy one. I am not sure if it can be done in time.

I want to get your suggestions on which one will be the best topic and then I can start the proposal shortly.


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri@swoodbridge.com> wrote:

Hello GSoC candidates,

We are hoping that some students are applying for GSoC for the pgRouting project. Time is very short to get your student applications! Both Danial and I are ready and willing to be Mentors.


-------- Original Message --------
Hello all,

time is getting short for students applications, and we only have few
proposals so far.

Students, please prepare with your mentors the first draft of the
proposal and submit it on Melange as soon as possible. I’d suggest to
avoid last minute submissions, as the site will be presumably

Proposals can be edited until the deadline, April 6th 19:00 UTC so in
about 2 days, 11 hours from now.

You can use the date command to get the deadline for your timezone:

date --date=‘TZ=“UTC” 19:00 next Fri’

or open the Melange homepage, where there is a countdown.

Also, we hope that Geoserver, Mapserver, OSSIM… will participate
this year. Let me know if there are any issues with applications and

Looking forward to see many good proposals!


OSGeo GSoC Administrator

pgrouting-dev mailing list

On 4/4/2012 3:22 PM, Jinfu Leng wrote:


I am looking around recently to get an appropriate topic.

Here are something I would like to work on:
1. K-shortest path
I want to implement an revised Yen’s algorithm based on this paper:

This one has already been done by Dave Potts, and he plans to get it submitted at some point hopefully in the near future.

2. a new shortest path algorithm
I revised the classical two-q algorithm, and got a new algorithm named
mild-two-q, here is my paper:
3. Contraction Hierarchies Algorithm

The first one is the one I like mostly. If it is not already done and no
body else is working on it, I want to do it.
The second one is also interesting. Since I developed the algorithm, I
definitely want to apply it to a widely used program. But as it is not
tested in many road networks, the practical efficiency can not be
guaranteed at present.

I think this sounds like a good option. If you get it integrated into pgRouting I'm sure we can throw some larger datasets at it to see how it performs.

For the third one, I am hesitating, because I do not know much about
Contraction Hierarchies Algorithm. I scanned its source code and it
looks like it is not an easy one. I am not sure if it can be done in time.

I think you are correct that this is a complicated one and I think most will agree that it would be difficult for anyone to do in GSoC unless thaty were already familiar with the poRouting or the Algorithm.

I want to get your suggestions on which one will be the best topic and
then I can start the proposal shortly.

Thank you for your interest.



On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri@swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri@swoodbridge.com>> wrote:

    Hello GSoC candidates,

    We are hoping that some students are applying for GSoC for the
    pgRouting project. Time is very short to get your student
    applications! Both Danial and I are ready and willing to be Mentors.


    -------- Original Message --------
    Hello all,

    time is getting short for students applications, and we only have few
    proposals so far.

    Students, please prepare with your mentors the first draft of the
    proposal and submit it on Melange as soon as possible. I'd suggest to
    avoid last minute submissions, as the site will be presumably

    Proposals can be edited until the deadline, April 6th 19:00 UTC so in
    about 2 days, 11 hours from now.

    You can use the date command to get the deadline for your timezone:

      date --date='TZ="UTC" 19:00 next Fri'

    or open the Melange homepage, where there is a countdown.

    Also, we hope that Geoserver, Mapserver, OSSIM... will participate
    this year. Let me know if there are any issues with applications and

    Looking forward to see many good proposals!

    OSGeo GSoC Administrator

    pgrouting-dev mailing list
    pgrouting-dev@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:pgrouting-dev@lists.osgeo.org>

pgrouting-dev mailing list