[pgrouting-users] Unable to Locate Package when installing pgrouting from Ubuntu 13.04

hi all

I’m a new user of linux, I try to install pgrouting from https://launchpad.net/~georepublic/+archive/pgrouting-unstable using my terminal. There are no problem when I installed the osm2pgrouting and cmake package, but when I try to install the pgrouting package the message always same “Unable to Locate Package”. I already checked my sources.list and make sure that line

deb [http://ppa.launchpad.net/georepublic/pgrouting-unstable/ubuntu](http://ppa.launchpad.net/georepublic/pgrouting-unstable/ubuntu) raring main  is checked.

Is there anything wrong with my Ubuntu? I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 amd64

best regards

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Muhammad Iqnaul Haq

hi all

I'm a new user of linux, I try to install pgrouting from
https://launchpad.net/~georepublic/+archive/pgrouting-unstable&lt;https://launchpad.net/~georepublic/+archive/pgrouting-unstable&gt;using my terminal. There are no problem when I installed the osm2pgrouting
and cmake package, but when I try to install the pgrouting package the
message always same "Unable to Locate Package". I already checked my *
sources.list* and make sure that line

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/georepublic/pgrouting-unstable/ubuntu raring main is checked.

Is there anything wrong with my Ubuntu? I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 amd64

Last night I had to rebuild the packages in the pgrouting-unstable
repository because there was a problem with the package for 12.04.
So maybe you were just unlucky and there was the package change right that
time ... though I guess it's a different problem.

Personally I'm using 13.04 and I have no problems to install and upgrade it.
Can you make sure that:

   - You also added the UbuntuGIS Launchpad repository to install PostGIS
   - You're looking for the right package name "postgresql-9.1-pgrouting"
   - You have run apt-get update to get the latest package list


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
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