[pgrouting-users] Using pgrouting on Android

Currently I am working on a simple Android application that shows shortest path. How can I use pgrouting with it? Please give me some advice. Tutorials welcome.

හිෂාන් මෙලංග | Hishan Melanga

On 8/16/2013 10:52 AM, Hishan Melanga wrote:

Currently I am working on a simple Android application that shows
shortest path. How can I use pgrouting with it? Please give me some
advice. Tutorials welcome.

pgrouting runs on the PostgreSQL and PostGIS database, and I don't know that those have been ported to Android. :wink:

The typical way to use pgrouting for a mobile app, is to write a web service which uses pgrouting (on the server, which runs a webserver and PostGIS), and write your mobile app to query that web service.

This does mean that your mobile app needs to connect to the Internet and to your service, in order to get directions.

Greg Allensworth, Web GIS Developer
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