[pgrouting-users] Validity of the pgrouting workshop

Currently I was able to install and import osm data into a routing database. I can draw the shortes route using Quantum GIS using a query. But in the workshop website it tells us to create a server side script. We do not have to create it since the workshop folder already has it. But it is not working when I try to run the browser client called routing-final.html file. Only the map is shown path is not drawn when I put two markers.

I downloaded the pgrouting source from http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/php_server.html

I downloaded the workshop from

I also noticed that there is a pgrouting-build and workshop-build folders in the git hub project. But this “workshop-build” does not contain the old php “server side script”. Is this workshop-build is compatible with the old workshop or is this workshop-build only compatible with pgrouting-build?

I just want to display the shortest path in the website. Please help me with this problem.

හිෂාන් මෙලංග | Hishan Melanga

On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Hishan Melanga <hishanm@gmail.com> wrote:

Currently I was able to install and import osm data into a routing
database. I can draw the shortes route using Quantum GIS using a query. But
in the workshop website it tells us to create a server side script<http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/php_server.html&gt;\.
We do not have to create it since the workshop folder already has it. But
it is not working when I try to run the browser client called
routing-final.html file. Only the map is shown path is not drawn when I put
two markers.

I downloaded the pgrouting source from
I downloaded the workshop from

I also noticed that there is a pgrouting-build and workshop-build folders
in the git hub project. But this "workshop-build" does not contain the old
php "server side script". Is this workshop-build is compatible with the old
workshop or is this workshop-build only compatible with pgrouting-build?

I just want to display the shortest path in the website. Please help me
with this problem.

හිෂාන් මෙලංග | Hishan Melanga <http://hishanmelanga.blogspot.com/&gt;

Pgrouting-users mailing list

The problem with the "old" current workshop is, that it is not working with
pgRouting 2.0 and probably not working with PostGIS 2.0
Though the workshop will be updated for FOSS4G 2013 in September. Then it
will not work anymore for pgRouting 1.05.

So right now it's probably confusing, but it's difficult to support both
versions at the same time.
Currently the priority is to release a stable version of 2.0, so the
workshop will not work for some people until September.
I'm sorry for that, but my personal time is limited. Contributions to fix
it are welcome. Or if you can provide some funding, then it can also be
done faster.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de