[pgrouting-users] What is the earliest version of PostGIS that pgRouting works with?

In adding to the core_sp_smart functions from the sandbox, I want to do things to maintain the level of version compatibility that pgRouting wants to maintain (so I've done in all the calls to functions introduced in version 1.5+). I assume that the target is PostGIS 1.3+, but want to make sure.


Hi Dan,

It’s a bit difficult to recall exactly what was introduced in which version of PostGIS.

The “smart” function uses the “ST_startpoint” and “ST_endpoint” function, which had some issues in certain versions of PostGIS as far as I remember.
This problem also occurred in the workshop, see: http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/wiki/WorkshopFOSS4G2008/ch08 (well, it’s not a problem of PostgreSQL as written there, but it’s a problem of PostGIS. I just can’t tell now which version it was).

I agree that the target should be 1.3+. We could think about some compatibility table for wrapper functions, if many of them will make use of new functions.
If there is a larger interest in publishing new wrappers (hopefully many from the community), we might have to think about a better way to organize them.


2010/7/27 Dan Putler <putler@yahoo.com>

In adding to the core_sp_smart functions from the sandbox, I want to do things to maintain the level of version compatibility that pgRouting wants to maintain (so I’ve done in all the calls to functions introduced in version 1.5+). I assume that the target is PostGIS 1.3+, but want to make sure.


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