Presentation material

Hi Dave,
I just saw that you were talking to me on irc, but I wasn't there. I
forgot to part, sorry about that.

Should we try to meet on the phone next week? I'd suggest to first get an
agenda together by email so that we can keep it short and decide about
what to do pretty quick.

I would also like to start using the document repository and from what I
gather from Dave's chat it seems like you also have some stuff up the
sleeve. Any idea how we should handle this? Anybody from the committee
just put stuff there or first manage it through the SVN repository? Any
suggestions welcome.

Best regards,

Arnulf Christl

Dear Arnulf and other VisCom members/volunteers

I had mentioned on the IRC yesterday that it
maybe worth considering preparing a 2 page
brochure indicating the mission, goals,projects,
official committees and membership of OSGeo and
disseminate the brochure widely. Perhaps VisCom
could finalize such a brochure after the OSGeo
logo is finalized.

One of the forum to promote OSGeo in Asia would
be to approach the guys t
Sanjay Kumar, COE is very
supportive of Open Source Geoinformatics as
evident from the Jan 2006 issue of gisdevelopment
in which Arnulf and me wrote articles. I heard
the OSGEO was also featured in one of the
bigest GIS Conference, Map India 2006, recently

Gisdevelopment is also very visible in Asian region
thru its Map Asia Series of Conferences. This year
Map Asia will be organized in Bangkok in late Aug
( Regarding Map Asia 2006
we could possibly think of the following

1) Ask the organizers (Sanjay Kumar) if could arrange
to include a brochure in the conference kit. Printing
cost in Thailand is very cheap and maybe we could find
some donor for that.

2) Consider if it is worth sharing a booth at Map Asia 2006
if some others. I can talk to the guys at
to see if they are willing to share the booth or promote
OSGeo in their booth.

3) AutoDesk Thailand has been quite visible in previous
Map Asia Conferences, may be someone from AutoDesk at
OSGeo could find out how AutoDesk could promote OSGeo
at Map Asia 2006. May be find some donation for booth
or printing.

4) Ardent supporter of OSGeo and Open Source Geomatics,
David Hastings is in Bangkok and I am sure will be attending
Map Asia 2006. Maybe we can request him to deliver
a keynote on OSGeo. This also can be discussed with Sanjay
Kumar, who is known well to David too.

I mention Map Asia as an example, I can think of similar approach
in several forums in Japan and elsewhere too.

Kind regards


P.S. I have marked a CC to David. Any comments
David, as an official member of the "Thai Open Source Oriented
Beer Drinking Society"!!

Arnulf Christl (CCGIS) wrote:

Hi Dave,
I just saw that you were talking to me on irc, but I wasn't there. I
forgot to part, sorry about that.

Should we try to meet on the phone next week? I'd suggest to first get an
agenda together by email so that we can keep it short and decide about
what to do pretty quick.

I would also like to start using the document repository and from what I
gather from Dave's chat it seems like you also have some stuff up the
sleeve. Any idea how we should handle this? Anybody from the committee
just put stuff there or first manage it through the SVN repository? Any
suggestions welcome.

Best regards,

Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

1) Ask the organizers (Sanjay Kumar) if could arrange
to include a brochure in the conference kit. Printing
cost in Thailand is very cheap and maybe we could find
some donor for that.


I think it would be an absolutely great idea to establish
good contact with Sanjay. If a brochure can be ready in
time, and isn't too expensive there is no reason the foundation
can't pay for the printing itself. You will need board approval
of course.

I also wonder if we couldn't get to a point where the the
foundation would have a regular column in geospatial magazines
such as GISDevelopment.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,

On 3/31/06, Venkatesh Raghavan <> wrote:

Dear Arnulf and other VisCom members/volunteers

I had mentioned on the IRC yesterday that it
maybe worth considering preparing a 2 page
brochure indicating the mission, goals,projects,
official committees and membership of OSGeo and
disseminate the brochure widely. Perhaps VisCom
could finalize such a brochure after the OSGeo
logo is finalized.

Once the brochure is available we should try to translate
it asap to various languages to have that ready for the
September conference. I could easily organize an Italian
translation (folks here want to read in Italian, not English,
same will apply to many countries). Having that it will
be easier to approach people here who are currently thinking
about formalized national user groups (tax-exempt, see [1]) to
establish a relationship to OSGeo. The same applies to
the public administration.
Maybe printing could be done for various languages then?

If printing cannot be finanzed from OSGeo budget (which I
don't expect) then we could even try to collect some fundings
among the members and interested other people.



On 3/31/06, Frank Warmerdam <> wrote:

I also wonder if we couldn't get to a point where the the
foundation would have a regular column in geospatial magazines
such as GISDevelopment.


such a column would be quite good - maybe it could be sync'ed
somewhat with the president's newletter? VisCom may assist
to give input and certainly the community (maybe the president
wants a "submit user story" button somewhere to collect stories?).


Once the brochure is available we should try to translate
it asap to various languages to have that ready for the
September conference.

I will also try to discuss about distribution of brochures
and other ways of promotion at Map Asia 2006 with the
with Dr. Nitin Tripathi, Editor-in-Chief, International
Journal of Geoinformatics (IJG). IJG brought out the
special issue of the FOSS/GRASS 2004 Bangkok Conference
and is planning to have a booth at Map Asia 2004. Nitin
also works closely with Sanjay Kumar at GISDevelopment.

I could easily organize an Italian
translation (folks here want to read in Italian, not English,
same will apply to many countries). Maybe printing could be done for various languages then?

I can also try to get some news article published in
Japanese journals (e.g. Japan Society of Geoinformatics,
Markus is also a member). I think, once the brochure write-up
approved by the board is ready we can have offical translations
and published in appropriate forums.

Kind regards


Markus Neteler wrote:


such a column would be quite good - maybe it could be sync'ed
somewhat with the president's newletter? VisCom may assist
to give input and certainly the community (maybe the president
wants a "submit user story" button somewhere to collect stories?).

The GRASS Newsletter team have expressed keen interest to
help bringing out the an expanded OSGEO Newsletter.
They are also on this list since yesterday.
Dave (DM Solutions) also brings out a news letter.
I think, it all these efforts can be combined to bring
a regular, informative and glossy newsletter. The news
letter should also have the OSGF Presidents Column.

As a first step, I think it is better to finalize the
two page brochure and some overhead slides with
OGSF members could use for presenting and promoting
OSGF at various forums.



On 4/1/06, Venkatesh Raghavan <> wrote:

As a first step, I think it is better to finalize the
two page brochure and some overhead slides with
OGSF members could use for presenting and promoting
OSGF at various forums.

Agreed from my side to start with the brochure (because it
will take time).

Meanwhile: do we have upload space for slides? I can donate some
OSGeo slides. Not fancy yet, but in a Wiki style we could also
develop the promo material to explain the foundation. Let me suggest
to use OpenDocument format for that (e.g. OpenOffice2 impress or
related software supports that).


Hi Arnulf,

I have a lot of historical slides/info on open source geospatial (as I'm sure many of us here do) that I'd be happy to contribute towards forming some standard slides on OSGeo.

As I think I mentioned on IRC -- I have had a number of requests to speak to groups about the new Foundation so I'm certain that I will be diving into this quickly.

Re. Venka's suggestion about a brochure -- this too is important, as I believe we will find that the best form of outreach will be through the organizations and companies who participate in and use open source technologies. As soon as a solid brochure is available -- these can be distributed (or printed for that matter) by these organizations in advance of conference exhibitions, etc.. for distribution at their booths, presentations, and so on.

I'm on the road this week (west coast for Location intelligence) -- but I can try to skype in for a meeting - no promises on availability though. The following week will definitely work though.

I'll try to capture some of my thoughts/ideas in the Wiki for various PR activities that I think should be priority when I have a few minutes over the next week.


Arnulf Christl (CCGIS) wrote:

Hi Dave,
I just saw that you were talking to me on irc, but I wasn't there. I
forgot to part, sorry about that.

Should we try to meet on the phone next week? I'd suggest to first get an
agenda together by email so that we can keep it short and decide about
what to do pretty quick.

I would also like to start using the document repository and from what I
gather from Dave's chat it seems like you also have some stuff up the
sleeve. Any idea how we should handle this? Anybody from the committee
just put stuff there or first manage it through the SVN repository? Any
suggestions welcome.

Best regards,