the legends are delivered right, by json.
but the last page has just the black border and no legends is displayed…
someone any idea, what can be wrong? in the log file is nothing visible
I help make releases of the mapfish-print-v2 library used for PDF generation - but I do not especially understand how it works. I think it is making GetMap requests as it operates?
With that in mind perhaps check the GeoServer logs to see if requests an empty map?
Thanks a lot for your answer.
The printing of the map works fine. Just the legend is not printed. This is the json for the legends, which is sent with the print request:
but there is another challenge now. because i got just one image with the whole legend on it, it is too small, because the whole legend is displayed like one small icon. is there a solution to scale this image?
lol - that is great! and thanks so much for sharing the answer.
If you have any suggestions, or are comfortable making examples for the docs they would be much appreciated. GeoSever has how to add to docs, and the same approach works for the configuration page.
aside: I edited your posts to be markdown so I could understand your yaml examples.