I received a Mail from Elisabeth. She is asking for stickers for events in the US. She needs them in June.
Following stickers would be great
Do you know whether someone has stickers already and can send them to her? or do we need to print some?
I thought about asking the FOSS4G NA team?
Any ideas?
May 23, 2024, 9:18pm
There is collateral and material for printing:
The marketing committee often has budget to support events - so if there is a copy shop near their location it is better to print local and save shipping. Or work with foss4gna to print a larger amount in bulk.
Thanks, Jody. I’m not sure I’m going to get to much printing in time for the event, tbh. I’ll have this stuff for next time, though.
May 24, 2024, 12:03am
If you give us the address we can look up a local print shop etc. I do not know the exact procedure but @astrid_emde has helped folks before.
Astrid do you have a good source of QGIS and other stickers?
Thanks, Jody. I got really slammed and didn’t get to this. I’ll make a point of making use of these resources in future. Thanks for pitching in.
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