[QGIS-it-user] Articolo interessante QGIS - ARCGIS

è una tesi, quindi piuttosto lunga.. però anche saltellare qua e la è


molto interessante soprattutto gli allegati.

sarebbe utile ripetere i confronti anche con le ultime versioni di qgis.

molto onesta anche la premessa:

The aim of this thesis is not to elaborate upon which software is the better GIS software.
This thesis is meant to build upon the understanding that software itself is a tool and not a target. The suitability of one of the GIS software will always be dependent on the user or company with their specific needs and resources.
Furthermore the author distances herself from ideological considerations concerning open source and proprietary software.


Il giorno 21 dicembre 2016 10:28, matteo <matteo.ghetta@gmail.com> ha scritto:

è una tesi, quindi piuttosto lunga… però anche saltellare qua e la è


QGIS-it-user mailing list

For the purpose of being more easily comparable, all tests will be run with the same hardware, software operating system, and data. The analyses that are conducted in this thesis will be implemented with the following parameters:

Hardware & Operating System
Windows 7, 64bit on Samsung Q330 laptop, Intel Core
i3 CPU, 2.27GHz, 4 GB RAM

QGIS 2.4 for Windows, 64bit including GRASS GIS 6.4.3 and SAGA GIS 2.0.8
ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop Advanced [Windows] includ ing the Extensions Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst and Network Analyst, single user license [Student License]

If not specified otherwise the following parameters are used:
Settings: Overwrite geoprocessing outcomes and stor es as relative path
Used geodatabases (ArcGIS: File Geodatabase, QGIS: SpatialLight)


2016-12-21 10:56 GMT+01:00 Stefano Campus <skampus@gmail.com>:

molto interessante soprattutto gli allegati.

sarebbe utile ripetere i confronti anche con le ultime versioni di qgis.

molto onesta anche la premessa:

The aim of this thesis is not to elaborate upon which software is the better GIS software.
This thesis is meant to build upon the understanding that software itself is a tool and not a target. The suitability of one of the GIS software will always be dependent on the user or company with their specific needs and resources.
Furthermore the author distances herself from ideological considerations concerning open source and proprietary software.

Il giorno 21 dicembre 2016 10:28, matteo <matteo.ghetta@gmail.com> ha scritto:

è una tesi, quindi piuttosto lunga… però anche saltellare qua e la è


QGIS-it-user mailing list