[QGIS-it-user] [QGIS-Developer] 2021 grant applications are now closed

secondo me è una lista molto interessante.
Chi ha contribuito economicamente a QGIS può essere fiero, il suo
contributo andrà a buon fine.

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Dear QGIS Community,

This is to let you know that the form for grant applications is now
closed and that we have received 12 applications totaling € 42,500.

As a quick teaser, here are the proposals:

1. Port DB Manager Table Management Functionalities to Browser: SQL
2. Revision and completion of locale support for numeric input and
    display https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/210
3. QGIS Server, OGC tests and Continuous Integration: OGC API Features
    (part 2)
4. QGIS Server and services documentation
5. Rework handling of multi-layer, mixed-format datasets
6. Integrate GPS Tools plugin functionality into core QGIS
7. QgsRasterProjector optimization with linear interpolation
8. Notarizing QGIS for macOS
9. Improved code coverage of geometry and maptool classes.
10. Fixing terrain and camera issues in 3D
11. PIP dependencies for Python plugins
12. Plugin review on plugins.qgis.org

We are now in the QEP discussion phase. Please tag all proposals with
the Grant-2021 tag:


The QEP discussion phase takes two weeks and ends on Sunday, 4th April
2021. Afterwards, we will proceed to the voting phase with expected
publication of voting results on 18th April 2021.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their project proposals!

