I’ve a problem with a Ubuntu Noble QGIS Server 3.34 and MSSQL
I’ve installed the following packages:
And the MSSQL drivers:
curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | apt-key add &&
echo “deb Index of /ubuntu/24.04/prod/ noble main” >> /etc/apt/sources.list &&
apt update && ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt install -y msodbcsql18 mssql-tools18
But when I try to load a MSSQL layer I can’t.
Someone can help me?
I forget some package?
Thanks in advance
Thanks for reply @Antoviscomi , yes I installed the driver as a write on my message. Infact I don’t have any idea what could be the problem. With old ubuntu releases all wok fine.
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@wlorenzetti I typed for upgrade just now and I found a mssql uprade, try it maybe they solved it
@Antoviscomi I try to update but nothing 
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I tried to replicate but in my Ubuntu 22.04 with QGIS 3.4.0 it seems that is something wrong with official MS drivers, I’m able to manage MSSQL db from shell but QGIS doesn’t find the drivers running in mssql-server despite to correct config and running of mssql-server, I rerceive ever the error message ‘Drivers not loaded’