R: Re: [pgrouting-users] about use of navteq data

Hi all,
first of all thank you very much for your support and sorry for my
I have built the graph with assign_vertex_3d function (by Steve) and it seems
to work well!
The function employed more than 2 days to complete the computation (about 27
hours!! - 678000 records).
Now I'm testing the graph...

Some answers to Daniel:

Because you're using TeleAtlas data, are you sure you have to build a
network topology? Doesn't TeleAtlas already contain such an information?

Yes, I have to build topology if I want to use pgRouting because id from
TeleAtalas are 'long integer' and not 'integer' (this create a type error) and
don't start from 1,
this is an example: 173800024175760.

Best regards from Naples.
Have a nice week,

Yes, I have to build topology if I want to use pgRouting because id from
TeleAtalas are ‘long integer’ and not ‘integer’ (this create a type error) and
don’t start from 1,
this is an example: 173800024175760.

If your overall number of network links fits into type “integer” (what I think is the case for Italy), then you could create a temporary table with all existing start or end ID’s. If you add a column with type serial, this column will be then populated with numbers starting from 1.
You then can add additional columns to your network table for integer start and end ID and update them with the serial ID from the temporary table.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
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