Re: [Marketing] OSGeo Website survey delivery to participants

Hi Scott,

First, since we migrated to discourse you should start sending your
messages as well to so it goes also to the forum and keep things
synchronized. Eventually the list will be set up as read-only.

Now, about the curated list of lists, it seems fine to me. I’ve checked
the lists and they all seem to have a minimum of activity so I think you
should reach the correct people. I added a column with this subjective info.

If the feedback is not enough we can always aim for the whole Charter
(482 people).


On 2024-05-15 2:10, Scott McHale via Marketing wrote:

Hey, team,

Can you please sanity check this work for me?

Here’s the link to a sheet I’ve been using to track down addresses for
delivery of the survey.
Survey Recipients - Google Sheets

For whatever reason, I was thinking I would be able to drill down to
the contact info (I was thinking email addresses) for the current
individual Board/Committee members and Projects Officers. I am not
finding a way to do this. I’d resigned myself to using Committee
mailing list addresses and I think I’ve tracked all of the committee
addresses down. Please let me know if this will be hitting too many
people (I’m not sure how large the audiences are for each).

I’d then resigned myself to possibly needing to use the mailing list
for each project but, there are multiples for many of them. Also, I’d
forgotten there was a list of mailing lists, so I was making my way
through the project pages to get to them. I was all the way down to
PROJ before realizing there was a list for Projects Officers. (!!)

Maybe it’s me but finding some of the information on this site
sometimes feels like getting papercuts on your eyeballs.

I’ve stopped populating Projects list addresses in favor of the
Project Officers address.

My question is, essentially, will the addresses on rows 1-14 hit all
the people I need to hit for the survey while also not hitting too
many. I’m not super-fussed if it’s a lot of people. I just want to get
your sense if there will be just too darn many.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thanks, folks,


*Scott McHale *





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Jorge Sanz |Jorge Sanz, auteur op OSGeo

When I responded to your message via email, I received this message back:

We’re sorry, but your email message to [“”, “”, “”] (titled RE: [Marketing] OSGeo Website survey delivery to participants) didn’t work.


Title has already been used

If you can correct the problem, please try again.

Does the system attempt to create a topic with each email reply rather than adding a comment to the thread?

No idea, replies usually work correctly, maybe answering to both the list and the forum is messing up something :person_shrugging:

I’ll just keep an eye to see if I notice it again. Thanks!

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