RE: [OSGeo-Board] RE: [Fundraising] OSGeo "Donate" Buttons

OK, sounds like shirt-memberships would be better-handled through a
CafePress link to a specific product.

So to start, does anyone have any objections to me setting up a single
Supporting Member "Buy Now" button with a value of $50?

For donations, should I wait until I find out whether we need to issue
receipts? Is a supporting membership considered a donation?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael P. Gerlek []
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 13:13
Cc: Laura Rivera
Subject: [OSGeo-Board] RE: [Fundraising] OSGeo "Donate" Buttons

Here's the tricky complicating bit:

Because doing per-member shipping is nontrivial, the "I Sponsored OSGeo"
(or whatever) shirts need to come from CafePress... Which means what we
can do it just set the price for that special shirt to cost + $100 or
whatever -- as if by magic, we don't even need PayPal for that option.

Also, Land's End only does stiched logos -- to add richer text (e.g. "I
(heart) OSGeo") wouldn't really work.

On the other hand, if we make the price be really high such that only a
small number would donate at that level (such that shipping would be
easier to deal with), then I could see us doing some nice Lands End
jackets or something.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Birch []
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 12:52 PM
Cc: Laura Rivera
Subject: [Fundraising] OSGeo "Donate" Buttons

Hi all,

With Laura's help we now have a PayPal account, and I have set up an
initial "Donate" link, though I haven't been brave enough to test it
yet... I can just hear my wife yelling at me when it blows up our
credit card.

Can you please give me some guidance on what you think I should do
with this?

A) Single open button with no amount attached?
  - With some wording about suggested levels?
  - Without any supporting text?

B) Some basic fixed amounts + open? These can be named differently, so

they're easier to track for shirt shipments, etc.

  - Open Donation (User chooses)
  - Supporting Member ($50)
  - Supporting Member + High Quality T-Shirt ($100)
  - Supporting Member Over $100 (User chooses)
C) Look into using the "Buy Now" function instead of "Donate"
for these

D) Other?

Are there any concerns about using the word "Donate"? Are we official

yet... do we need to offer receipts?


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I agree with Frank... we should hold off on doing any sort of 'official' status around donations through a paypal button. I do, however, think we could have a general donate now button that is not tied to membership or official receipts, etc. ... until the membership process in finalised.


On 25-Aug-06, at 5:14 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

It is my opinion that we should hold off on the "Supporting member"
shirts till such time as we have a web application to collect memberships.
Then we can have folks go through the membership application and then give
them the option to do the shirt thing and we can manually relate the purchase
with their membership record and set a "supporting member" bit.

I would also like to think that a supporting membership should be considered
a charitable donation and should include a tax receipt. Since we don't know
how to do that, we might want to wait a bit till the details are worked out.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo,

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