RE: [OSGeo-Board] Re: [VisCom] RE: [OSGeo-Board] Eleventh Board Meeting Agenda

My feeling is that OSGeo needs to focus on promoting its own projects
first and foremost. Any other companies should get in line behind
committreed projects. To this end, I would very much like to see
MapServer, MapBender, GDAL, etc. get promotion time at Where 2.0. How
are we doing this?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell (External)
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:49 AM
Subject: [OSGeo-Board] Re: [VisCom] RE: [OSGeo-Board] Eleventh Board
Meeting Agenda

Arnulf's Intergeo situation seems a bit different than most we expect to
have - where OSGeo can help promote open source by providing an
opportunity for OS companies to promote specific products/ideas. Is
this is a good summary, Arnulf?

If we have a booth area or opportunities for companies, then we need to
have clear processes for assessing and choosing who can have access to
it. I don't think it needs to be too complex or potentially damaging,
just has to be clear and open.

The concept I immediately thought of was the typical "Request for
Expression of Interest" opportunities we get. We could mimic that by
letting companies sign up or propose using a booth (much like the
Intergeo wiki page is doing). We just have to post a clear explanation
of how they will be assessed or scored. They would simply provide a
proposal/summary of how their company meets certain OSGeo objectives.
Take the first ones that qualify first, and tell the others why they
don't meet the standard. For the most part, our standard is pretty

That is, unless we don't want OSGeo to ever provide opportunities for
3rd parties...

Arnulf, is this along the lines of what you were thinking?


----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Lang <>
Date: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:28 am
Subject: [VisCom] RE: [OSGeo-Board] Eleventh Board Meeting Agenda


I think overt politicization and promotion of these issues doesn't
necessarily serve the top priorities of OSGeo as the board has
thus far
voted. But at the same time, I am not sure that what you suggest
reallythreatens any of the contingencies that Dave is worried
about. I too
think a standard of open source integrity should be adhered to. I
thinkwe can just say that and move on, as we have from the
beginning from
what I can tell.

Sort of like Linux does, for example. Am I mistaken?


-----Original Message-----
From: Arnulf Christl []
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] Eleventh Board Meeting Agenda

Dave McIlhagga wrote:
> Hi Arnulf,
> Arnulf Christl wrote:
>> Maybe it will be possible to have a chat - even if informal -
on IRC
>> because we have pressing issues regarding booth operation at
>> Intergeo exhibition. The plan is out and there is an Open
Source Park

>> reserved and we need to fix who is going to do what and what
the role

>> of the OSGeo could take on.
>> Would the OSGeo Foundation would consent at being the
>> judge/committee regarding which company is committed (enough)
>> doing Open Source
>> ('trustworthy?') so that it can appear in the Open Source Park.
> Hmmm - this sounds like very dangerous territory to me for OSGeo
to be

> wandering into ... do we really want to be determining who is
> open source than another - or more deserving? If we look at
> going on at Where 2.0 -- there is no issue, since the companies
> representatives attending and participating - but all wearing an
> Hat (or is that a shirt?)

Well, from our perspective this is exactly one of the jobs that the
OSGeo will have to do (think about the certification discussion we had
some time ago, this goes in the same direction). If the OSGeo
Foundationdoes not know how to separate serious OS supporters from
frauds who can?

> It's very conceivable that some companies may use zero open
> themselves, but strategically want to be promoting adoption of
> source. I don't think we would want to discourage this -- any
and all
> support we can get for open source should and needs to be welcomed.

Thats another issue that I am not so sure about. I do not think
that we
need any and all support regardless of the price we have to pay.
Turn it
the other way round and make OSGeo more interesting by making people
have to crane their neck to get accepted. Look at the example of how
Autodesk grew into the OSGeo community. The first try went bad.
Then it
took a long time and getting to know each other until we really could
trust but now we have a really good common foundation (basement)
of the
Foundation. And this could only happen because the community exerted
some pressure and did not submitted to the 800 pound gorilla right
We can actually help people understand our concepts - so maybe
only my
wording was not well selected.

We had this kind of discussion in different flavors before. I
think it
suits us well ('us' being the Foundation) to pick those out who we
trustand who we know are trustworthy. Lets build up some pride - I
think the
danger of becoming overly complacent is still very low (we'll have to
watch out, no questions asked).

Maybe by looking at the OSGeo Foundation as if it were an Open Source
project this becomes more transparent. Any PSC will not just open the
door (code repository) to anybody but will first want to get to
know who
she is and how she could contribute in a meaningful way. Then it
will be
a consensus decision as it always should be in an Open Source
environment. One of the core interests of the foundation is to
focus on
quality software and communities and not become the cemetery of
hundredsof zombie projects. In my opinion the same should apply to
the resources
that support us - which will also be companies operating booths in the
direct vicinity or even under the roof of the OSGeo Foundation.
And in
some cases we should prefer quality over quantity.

I definitely want to be able to throw in a veto whenever a company
thathas a record of not been trustworthy regarding Open Source
tries to
sneak their way in. Being an avowing paranoid I know that I might be
overly sensitive to this kind of issue but we have a fairly simple
regulatory to sort my kind out. If I place a veto and can't back
it up
within 3 days it turns void. If I am the only one objecting the
rest can
vote me out. Its basically simple Open Source methodology.

> Don't know if this helps as I"m not sure of the context of the
> question
> -- but it seems like OSGeo should remain as neutral as possible
> it comes to 'endorsing' open sourceness of companies around it.
> Dave

Please help me out with 'endorsing' (especially what you mean with the
single quotes).

Oops, wikipedia don't really help me, look at this:

Which one do you mean?

Neutrality is definitely not what I understand the job of the
OSGeo to
be. We are not going to be neutral regarding misusing Open Source
wording, concepts and ideas - that would not make any sense. Maybe
I got
you wrong, but we should further discuss this so that I am not
completely on the wrong track.

Best regards,

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Gary wrote:

My feeling is that OSGeo needs to focus on promoting its own projects
first and foremost. Any other companies should get in line behind
committreed projects. To this end, I would very much like to see
MapServer, MapBender, GDAL, etc. get promotion time at Where 2.0. How
are we doing this?

I think there have been recent changes, but this page pretty much sums it up:

Chris - could you verify the full roster of speakers for lightning talks and other talks during the main event?

Anything that doesn't make it up on the main stage, will have the opportunity to do a ~5 min talk during the BOF event. That's how I'm handling the BOF anyway and why the set of speakers during the rest of the conference needs to be confirmed before I flesh out the BOF. Make sense? :slight_smile:


Gary wrote:

My feeling is that OSGeo needs to focus on promoting its own projects
first and foremost. Any other companies should get in line behind
committreed projects. To this end, I would very much like to see
MapServer, MapBender, GDAL, etc. get promotion time at Where 2.0. How
are we doing this?

I think there have been recent changes, but this page pretty much sums it up:

Chris - could you verify the full roster of speakers for lightning talks and other talks during the main event?

Anything that doesn't make it up on the main stage, will have the opportunity to do a ~5 min talk during the BOF event. That's how I'm handling the BOF anyway and why the set of speakers during the rest of the conference needs to be confirmed before I flesh out the BOF. Make sense? :slight_smile:


Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Gary wrote:

My feeling is that OSGeo needs to focus on promoting its own projects
first and foremost. Any other companies should get in line behind
committreed projects. To this end, I would very much like to see
MapServer, MapBender, GDAL, etc. get promotion time at Where 2.0. How
are we doing this?

I think there have been recent changes, but this page pretty much sums it up:

Chris - could you verify the full roster of speakers for lightning talks and other talks during the main event?

This is the latest with Nat, I think it completely matches our thinking.

09:45am [15m] Open Source Mashups, Chris to provide participants [VEE]
10:00am [15m] Best Geo Hacks of the Last 2,000 Years, Chris Spurgeon [CONFIRMED] [9315]

10:15am [45m] Morning Break

11:00am [15m] Gary Lang [CONFIRMED] [9181]
11:15am [15m] Open Source Lightning Talks
     GDAL - Frank Warmerdam [VEE]

The two tbd in Open Source Lightning will be OSSIM and MapGuide.

Arnulf and MapBender will go with me (and GeoServer, and probably one other) in Open Source Mashups. I think we were talking of using MapBender to do digitizing, so it'd use MapServer too. And we want to mention MapBuilder as well, since MapBender has plans to merge at some point.

Then in the BOF we'll have Dave talk about MapServer. I'm also going to see if I can get Brent, the GeoServer developer talking in my stead, to do a little bit on GeoTools and MapBuilder at the BOF, as he's worked on both.

So every project should have some sort of spot, either in the main session or at the BOF. Arnulf and Brent and I will coordinate the open source mashups session, and ideally we'll try to incorporate a lot of projects. Indeed if we do GeoServer and MapServer will be sure to include that neither would be possible without GeoTools and GDAL/OGR, respectively.

Anything that doesn't make it up on the main stage, will have the opportunity to do a ~5 min talk during the BOF event. That's how I'm handling the BOF anyway and why the set of speakers during the rest of the conference needs to be confirmed before I flesh out the BOF. Make sense? :slight_smile:


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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project

On Fri, May 26, 2006 20:40, Chris Holmes wrote:

Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Gary wrote:

My feeling is that OSGeo needs to focus on promoting its own projects
first and foremost. Any other companies should get in line behind
committreed projects. To this end, I would very much like to see
MapServer, MapBender, GDAL, etc. get promotion time at Where 2.0. How
are we doing this?

I think there have been recent changes, but this page pretty much sums
it up:

Chris - could you verify the full roster of speakers for lightning talks
and other talks during the main event?

This is the latest with Nat, I think it completely matches our thinking.

09:45am [15m] Open Source Mashups, Chris to provide participants [VEE]
10:00am [15m] Best Geo Hacks of the Last 2,000 Years, Chris Spurgeon
[CONFIRMED] [9315]

10:15am [45m] Morning Break

11:00am [15m] Gary Lang [CONFIRMED] [9181]
11:15am [15m] Open Source Lightning Talks
     GDAL - Frank Warmerdam [VEE]

The two tbd in Open Source Lightning will be OSSIM and MapGuide.

Arnulf and MapBender will go with me (and GeoServer, and probably one
other) in Open Source Mashups. I think we were talking of using
MapBender to do digitizing, so it'd use MapServer too.

Mapbender uses MapServer as WMS to present and GeoServer as WFS-T to edit
the maps. GDAL/OGR is part of MapServer, so it is part of the stack as
well. Storage is done with PostGIS so that both GeoServer and MapServer
can access the same geoms.

And we want to

mention MapBuilder as well, since MapBender has plans to merge at some

Mapbuilder already sits on top of GeoServer and can do the same things as
Mapbender (fx. WFS-T editing) just with another perspective. So it will
also show up in the mashup. ((please define this, my online dictionary
only gives me 'smashup'... which is probably not what we can do :-))


Then in the BOF we'll have Dave talk about MapServer. I'm also going to
see if I can get Brent, the GeoServer developer talking in my stead, to
do a little bit on GeoTools and MapBuilder at the BOF, as he's worked on

So every project should have some sort of spot, either in the main
session or at the BOF. Arnulf and Brent and I will coordinate the open
source mashups session, and ideally we'll try to incorporate a lot of
projects. Indeed if we do GeoServer and MapServer will be sure to
include that neither would be possible without GeoTools and GDAL/OGR,

Anything that doesn't make it up on the main stage, will have the
opportunity to do a ~5 min talk during the BOF event. That's how I'm
handling the BOF anyway and why the set of speakers during the rest of
the conference needs to be confirmed before I flesh out the BOF. Make
sense? :slight_smile:


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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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Arnulf Christl

Arnulf Christl wrote:

On Fri, May 26, 2006 20:40, Chris Holmes wrote:

Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Gary wrote:

My feeling is that OSGeo needs to focus on promoting its own projects
first and foremost. Any other companies should get in line behind
committreed projects. To this end, I would very much like to see
MapServer, MapBender, GDAL, etc. get promotion time at Where 2.0. How
are we doing this?

I think there have been recent changes, but this page pretty much sums
it up:

Chris - could you verify the full roster of speakers for lightning talks
and other talks during the main event?

This is the latest with Nat, I think it completely matches our thinking.

09:45am [15m] Open Source Mashups, Chris to provide participants [VEE]
10:00am [15m] Best Geo Hacks of the Last 2,000 Years, Chris Spurgeon
[CONFIRMED] [9315]

10:15am [45m] Morning Break

11:00am [15m] Gary Lang [CONFIRMED] [9181]
11:15am [15m] Open Source Lightning Talks
    GDAL - Frank Warmerdam [VEE]

The two tbd in Open Source Lightning will be OSSIM and MapGuide.

Arnulf and MapBender will go with me (and GeoServer, and probably one
other) in Open Source Mashups. I think we were talking of using
MapBender to do digitizing, so it'd use MapServer too.

Mapbender uses MapServer as WMS to present and GeoServer as WFS-T to edit
the maps. GDAL/OGR is part of MapServer, so it is part of the stack as
well. Storage is done with PostGIS so that both GeoServer and MapServer
can access the same geoms.

And we want to

mention MapBuilder as well, since MapBender has plans to merge at some

Mapbuilder already sits on top of GeoServer and can do the same things as
Mapbender (fx. WFS-T editing) just with another perspective. So it will
also show up in the mashup. ((please define this, my online dictionary
only gives me 'smashup'... which is probably not what we can do :-)) - you have to check your online encyclopedia, not just the dictionary.

We should just show how with open source and open standards you can easily combine data from different sources, and indeed allow others to do mashups with your data sources. So I'm thinking something like we show a raster with mapserver, digitizing in to GeoServer with MapBender, displaying in WorldWind, correcting in MapBuilder with WFS-T. I'd like to display the results out on Google Earth and Google Maps as well - we could even get Schuyler involved with OpenLayers to do the overlay, he may have Virtual Earth working by then. Could even use uDig to show the desktop, overlaying with a local shapefile, or even ArcWhatever connecting to WMS (it is nice to show that open source will work with proprietary stuff). If there's a demo MapGuide stood up somewhere with WMS then we could include one of those layers as well, and feature all the web based OSGeo projects. This is obviously a lot, and we only have 15 minutes, but it could maybe be cool if we ran through everything really fast. The point I'd like to try to make is that with proprietary mash-ups you can basically go one way - you can add your stuff on top of what google or microsoft provides you. With open source the possibilities are limitless, you can combine from 6 different sources using open standards, and people can in turn mash-up the information you provide.



Then in the BOF we'll have Dave talk about MapServer. I'm also going to
see if I can get Brent, the GeoServer developer talking in my stead, to
do a little bit on GeoTools and MapBuilder at the BOF, as he's worked on

So every project should have some sort of spot, either in the main
session or at the BOF. Arnulf and Brent and I will coordinate the open
source mashups session, and ideally we'll try to incorporate a lot of
projects. Indeed if we do GeoServer and MapServer will be sure to
include that neither would be possible without GeoTools and GDAL/OGR,

Anything that doesn't make it up on the main stage, will have the
opportunity to do a ~5 min talk during the BOF event. That's how I'm
handling the BOF anyway and why the set of speakers during the rest of
the conference needs to be confirmed before I flesh out the BOF. Make
sense? :slight_smile:


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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project

On Sat, May 27, 2006 18:31, Chris Holmes wrote:

Arnulf Christl wrote:

On Fri, May 26, 2006 20:40, Chris Holmes wrote:

Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Gary wrote:

My feeling is that OSGeo needs to focus on promoting its own projects
first and foremost. Any other companies should get in line behind
committreed projects. To this end, I would very much like to see
MapServer, MapBender, GDAL, etc. get promotion time at Where 2.0. How
are we doing this?

I think there have been recent changes, but this page pretty much sums
it up:

Chris - could you verify the full roster of speakers for lightning
and other talks during the main event?

This is the latest with Nat, I think it completely matches our thinking.

09:45am [15m] Open Source Mashups, Chris to provide participants [VEE]
10:00am [15m] Best Geo Hacks of the Last 2,000 Years, Chris Spurgeon
[CONFIRMED] [9315]

10:15am [45m] Morning Break

11:00am [15m] Gary Lang [CONFIRMED] [9181]
11:15am [15m] Open Source Lightning Talks
    GDAL - Frank Warmerdam [VEE]

The two tbd in Open Source Lightning will be OSSIM and MapGuide.

Arnulf and MapBender will go with me (and GeoServer, and probably one
other) in Open Source Mashups. I think we were talking of using
MapBender to do digitizing, so it'd use MapServer too.

Mapbender uses MapServer as WMS to present and GeoServer as WFS-T to
the maps. GDAL/OGR is part of MapServer, so it is part of the stack as
well. Storage is done with PostGIS so that both GeoServer and MapServer
can access the same geoms.

And we want to

mention MapBuilder as well, since MapBender has plans to merge at some

Mapbuilder already sits on top of GeoServer and can do the same things
Mapbender (fx. WFS-T editing) just with another perspective. So it will
also show up in the mashup. ((please define this, my online dictionary
only gives me 'smashup'... which is probably not what we can do :-)) - you have
to check your online encyclopedia, not just the dictionary.

We should just show how with open source and open standards you can
easily combine data from different sources, and indeed allow others to
do mashups with your data sources. So I'm thinking something like we
show a raster with mapserver, digitizing in to GeoServer with MapBender,
displaying in WorldWind, correcting in MapBuilder with WFS-T. I'd like
to display the results out on Google Earth and Google Maps as well - we
could even get Schuyler involved with OpenLayers to do the overlay, he
may have Virtual Earth working by then. Could even use uDig to show the
desktop, overlaying with a local shapefile, or even ArcWhatever
connecting to WMS (it is nice to show that open source will work with
proprietary stuff). If there's a demo MapGuide stood up somewhere with
WMS then we could include one of those layers as well, and feature all
the web based OSGeo projects. This is obviously a lot, and we only have
15 minutes, but it could maybe be cool if we ran through everything
really fast. The point I'd like to try to make is that with proprietary
mash-ups you can basically go one way - you can add your stuff on top of
what google or microsoft provides you. With open source the
possibilities are limitless, you can combine from 6 different sources
using open standards, and people can in turn mash-up the information you


This sounds very good. We could prepare this in the Wiki. When we use
stable services that are avilable online for a longer stretch of time we
can develop this into a reference that can be used by everybody. Ideally
we could do parts of this on the telascience servers, but I do not know
whether we will manage until Where 2.0. Frank has asked Norman on the SAC
list, so I guess that we will get a tatus report from there any time.



Then in the BOF we'll have Dave talk about MapServer. I'm also going to
see if I can get Brent, the GeoServer developer talking in my stead, to
do a little bit on GeoTools and MapBuilder at the BOF, as he's worked on

So every project should have some sort of spot, either in the main
session or at the BOF. Arnulf and Brent and I will coordinate the open
source mashups session, and ideally we'll try to incorporate a lot of
projects. Indeed if we do GeoServer and MapServer will be sure to
include that neither would be possible without GeoTools and GDAL/OGR,

Anything that doesn't make it up on the main stage, will have the
opportunity to do a ~5 min talk during the BOF event. That's how I'm
handling the BOF anyway and why the set of speakers during the rest of
the conference needs to be confirmed before I flesh out the BOF. Make
sense? :slight_smile:


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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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Arnulf Christl