RE: People at FOSS4G

I just need a number to ask for.... Anyone got one?

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnulf Christl []
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:28 AM
To: OSGeo-Board;
Cc: Jo Walsh; Gary Lang
Subject: Re: People at FOSS4G

if you feel you cannot hit reply immediately, I would like to bring in a
motion at the next board meeting to use ~2.5k from the travel budget to
be spent for travel costs for volunteers at the FOSS4G and EuroOSCON
booths. (is that enough, Jo? Can you get more precise numbers?)

Arnulf (aka Seven)

On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 10:59:31AM -0700, Gary Lang wrote:

I just need a number to ask for.... Anyone got one?

Of the 2 people I had in mind one can no longer spare the time for
EuroOSCON but is covered for FOSS4G; the other said $1400 which
includes conference entrance fee and several nights in a hostel.
Say $1600 to include travel to and fro Brussels. Does this seem like a

