RE: [SAC] Added robots.txt

Perhaps an "allow from" entry for that file would be better, set to only
allow from the machine that triggers the cron job?

robots.txt is only advisory


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Tyler Mitchell
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 13:05
To: System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo; Web committee
Subject: [SAC] Added robots.txt

A question about spiders grabbing onto our cron job link came up on IRC.
Is it preferred to add a robots.txt to disallow this?

I have put one up at:
I've added the /var/www/html/robots.txt

Make sense to keep it?

Sac mailing list

On 31-Jan-07, at 1:24 PM, Jason Birch wrote:

Perhaps an "allow from" entry for that file would be better, set to only
allow from the machine that triggers the cron job?

robots.txt is only advisory

Makes sense to me, but out of my realm. Someone else?