RE: [SAC] Mapbender test platform


a possible solution for this could be CollabNet Unified Build,
Integrate, and Test (CUBIT) environment. This essentially is the
ability to define virtual servers that can be installed and re-installed
with pre-defined images (provided by the project owner). The virtual
servers are connected to the SVN server by a gigabit network.

I can arrange a demonstration of this environment?


On 03 November 2006 18:33, Arnulf Christl wrote:

All this feels like it would best be hosted on a virtual machine that
can be hacked and configured independent of the other OSGeo
infrastructure. Ideally it would be possible to duplicate this virtual
machine and have a life demo server that always hosts the current
version. The operating system platform is fairly irrelevant, any
Linunix will do, preferably Ubuntu, Debian or FreeBSD (no SuSE).

Currently most development takes place on servers hosted by CCGIS
which is not practical for several reasons. It cannot be opened for
more extensive use by other developers due to security restrictions
implemented to suit the privacy needs of some customers. The machines
are used in a variety of projects requiring individual settings and
last but not least these are dedicated business server operated by one
company which feels wrong.