RE: [VisCom] AGI 'Open-Source in GIS' event?

Autodesk has a speaker slot at this event to talk about MapGuide Open
Source. The presentation includes a couple of mentions of OSGeo and
I've asked the speaker - Giulio Pagan, to be sure to mention the

Welcome Chris!


Peter Moran

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Holmes []
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 2:45 PM
Subject: [VisCom] AGI 'Open-Source in GIS' event?

Has anyone seen this:

And is anyone there able to give an OSGeo plug for us?

Oh, and hi everyone! I just joined committee, with a bit of prodding
from Arnulf, and though I initially declined, I came to realize that
resistance is futile. Especially since this is the committee that most
aligns with my job these days.