RE: [VisCom] OSGeo Flyer for Where 2.0 - review by Friday noon PST

Michael, Tyler,

Good input. Yes, we can change text, but it has to happen today.
Please send any more suggestions on text by noon PST.

Tyler, what is preferred format? SVG or Postscript? What design program
do you use?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael P. Gerlek []
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 9:00 AM
Cc: Peter Moran
Subject: RE: [VisCom] OSGeo Flyer for Where 2.0 - review by Friday noon

Hmm, my notes are pretty much a subset of everything Tyler said (esp.
the awkward 1st sentence).

On the last sentence, it would be nice if we toned down the drama a
little and added something geo-specific after the "because". I've got a
good writer on staff here, I'll run it by him and get you some
suggestions in an hour or two.

I'm happy with the black. Let's be big and bold and make the inkjets
work a little harder.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell []
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 7:58 AM
Cc: Peter Moran
Subject: Re: [VisCom] OSGeo Flyer for Where 2.0 - review by
Friday noon PST

On Thursday 18 May 2006 15:08, Peter Moran wrote:
> - I like the second page, with the logo on the upper left.
> - I think logo should be bigger - to fill the space and be bigger
> relative to the headline text.
> - The last line of text seems a bit over the top to me.
> - The black is growing on me as dramatic.
> The compass could be dimmed down and used as a watermark on Tyler's
> Flyers, as a unifying element.

Peter, I agree with all your points here.
Is it too late to change some wording? I think the wording of
the text could
be a bit tighter.

-Add "The" to the begining, so it matches tagline in logo and
makes an easier
to read sentence. If they can keep the name all on one line
still, that
would be good.
-Drop the ", or OSGeo --" - It interrupts the flow a bit too
much and I think
with the logo, we have defined it already.
-I'm not sure about "open geospatial technologies", let's not
get lost in the
world of "open" and explictly say "open source" or, since we
repeat it later,
drop "open" altogether in this spot.
-Can we add in "promote" somewhere too? Maybe replace one of
the "supporter"s
with promoter to make it less redundant and to touch on one
of our key roles.

-With my suggestions, the first couple sentences could read:
"The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is a not-for-profit
dedicated to the collaborative development of technologies
and data. As the
leading promoter of such technologies, we provide financial,
and legal support to the open source geospatial community. ..."

I have no bright ideas for the final sentence - it's close
but could be

I just started to wonder if I'm going to be able to get this
ad, the graphics
and fonts in a format that I could work with. I won't be
able to use Adobe
design formats. Perhaps we could also get this in a vector
format, like SVG,
Postscript or even in a Word format??


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Tyler, what is preferred format? SVG or Postscript?
What design programdo you use?

I'm using Scribus. I need an EPS format file that uses options: PS3, printer neutral and with embedded fonts. Those are InDesign options that should mean something to the designers I hope :slight_smile:

If I can get a copy of even the current version of the ad in that format, then I can confirm quickly whether it will work for me or not.
