RE: [VisCom] Update on brochures


I'm not clear if you're suggesting:

A) a single index page that lists each of the projects, with short
descriptions and maybe a screengrab


B) a page for each project

If it's B), then shouldn't descriptive information be found on the main
project page, such as
<; ?



From: Jason Birch []
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: [VisCom] Update on brochures

Something that WebCom has identified a need for is "snapshot" pages for
each of the projects, hosted on the main website in a consistent layout.
These would contain project information and links to the individual
OSGeo project spaces for more information.

Would these brochures be something that we could repurpose to meet this



From: Peter Moran []
Sent: Mon 2006-06-05 10:01 AM
Subject: RE: [VisCom] Update on brochures


Thanks for update - I was curious.

Yes, I'll be around, at least on Monday the 12th. To make copies, we
can use the in-house copy center if they have capacity, or Kinko's
across the street. Either does a pretty nice job, and I've used them to
do brochures in the past. I'm thinking 100-150 copies each.

Let's plan on getting that rolling Monday morning. Or if you email me
final files as high-res pdfs, I can get started on copying sooner.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell (External)
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 11:17 PM
Subject: [VisCom] Update on brochures

Hi all, just wanted to give you a brief update on where I'm at with
the brochures.
I've got 5 out of 9 ready to review in draft form. I expect to wrap
up the rest tomorrow evening. I will then post them for you and the
project managers to review.

I am still not clear on how whether we should wait to print them
during our face-to-face (Peter, will you be there?) or do it ahead of
time. Any suggestions? I know I'd rather not lug them around
through customs, etc.


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B really.

A new user browsing the OSGeo site needs to be able to quickly see what projects are available and what they do, look at some case studies, read community bios, etc, before delving deeper into the projects that might meet their business needs.

By just providing links to the project home pages, we are exposing the users to many different site structures, and are dumping them out of the main osgeo site before they get a chance to get a good overview of what is available. Creating approved summaries for each project--with a links to the main project page, related case studies, demos, and community bios--allows us to ensure that users are given a consistent and fair representation of our projects, while allowing individual projects to structure their main web presense as best fits their needs.

The medium-term goal is to have the front page be focused on areas that potential users might be interested in, and give them paths through the site tailored to their needs. We're trying to flesh this out here:

ESRI actually does this fairly well in the "GIS: Getting Started" section on their main page: I have no problem stealing good ideas... as long as they're not patented :slight_smile:



From: Peter Moran []
Sent: Mon 2006-06-05 12:52 PM
Subject: RE: [VisCom] Update on brochures


I'm not clear if you're suggesting:

A) a single index page that lists each of the projects, with short descriptions and maybe a screengrab


B) a page for each project

If it's B), then shouldn't descriptive information be found on the main project page, such as; ?


Jason Birch wrote:

B really.

A new user browsing the OSGeo site needs to be able to quickly see what
projects are available and what they do, look at some case studies, read
community bios, etc, before delving deeper into the projects that might
meet their business needs.

By just providing links to the project home pages, we are exposing the
users to many different site structures, and are dumping them out of the
main osgeo site before they get a chance to get a good overview of what is
available. Creating approved summaries for each project--with a links to
the main project page, related case studies, demos, and community
bios--allows us to ensure that users are given a consistent and fair
representation of our projects, while allowing individual projects to
structure their main web presense as best fits their needs.

The medium-term goal is to have the front page be focused on areas that
potential users might be interested in, and give them paths through the
site tailored to their needs. We're trying to flesh this out here:

ESRI actually does this fairly well in the "GIS: Getting Started" section
on their main page: I have no problem stealing good
ideas... as long as they're not patented :slight_smile:


I'm all for preparing introductory information that introduces the relative
roles and positioning of the different projects, but I think project specific
case studies, and community bios (not exactly sure what this is) belong on
the project pages rather than some high osgeo level pages that some direct
visitors to the project might never see.

It may be that the various projects can be encouraged to follow some
best practices to improve navigation from the project run main page.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,

One of the downfalls of the balkanized open source geospatial community is that it has been seen as just a set of tools. In order to "sell" OSGeo to potential users, they will need to see solutions. The most effective case studies for this task would be cross-project rather than project-specific, and the community biographies I had in mind would be of users who are successfully using or contributing to (and getting value from) multiple projects as well.

As to site layout, I really doubt (but could be wrong) that all of the existing strong communities will want to modify their existing sites to conform to an arbitrary OSGeo layout. I certainly don't want to duplicate content from the project sites or limit their autonomy, but I think that we need to sell the OSGeo solution up front and in a consistant manner before the users navigate to the (often dense and technically-oriented) project pages for more detailed information. Of course, different users have different needs; developers would likely just be presented with a list of links to various projects and resources.

By focusing VisCom/WebCom efforts on up-front marketing efforts, projects that don't want to spend a lot of effort on these items can concentrate on doing what they do best: building great software and supporting their communities.



From: Frank Warmerdam on behalf of Frank Warmerdam
Sent: Tue 2006-06-06 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [VisCom] Update on brochures


I'm all for preparing introductory information that introduces the relative
roles and positioning of the different projects, but I think project specific
case studies, and community bios (not exactly sure what this is) belong on
the project pages rather than some high osgeo level pages that some direct
visitors to the project might never see.

It may be that the various projects can be encouraged to follow some
best practices to improve navigation from the project run main page.

On 6-Jun-06, at 2:14 PM, Jason Birch wrote:

One of the downfalls of the balkanized open source geospatial community is that it has been seen as just a set of tools. In order to "sell" OSGeo to potential users, they will need to see solutions. The most effective case studies for this task would be cross-project rather than project-specific, and the community biographies I had in mind would be of users who are successfully using or contributing to (and getting value from) multiple projects as well.

After Where 2.0 is past, this would be worth viscom discussing and putting together some thoughts on. I am interested in seeing what can be done here.

As to site layout, I really doubt (but could be wrong) that all of the existing strong communities will want to modify their existing sites to conform to an arbitrary OSGeo layout. I certainly don't want to duplicate content from the project sites or limit their autonomy, but I think that we need to sell the OSGeo solution up front and in a consistant manner before the users navigate to the (often dense and technically-oriented) project pages for more detailed information. Of course, different users have different needs; developers would likely just be presented with a list of links to various projects and resources.

Way back in Chicago, we had a 'community' sub-group do some brainstorming. One of the unanimous (at least within the sub-group) ideas was that we should start to move toward common branding, styling, etc. The ultimate goal being one set of web services catering to all projects, but the interim goal would be to at least help all OSGeo project sites agree on a standard look 'n feel for their portals. That way, they can at least adopt some OSGeo branding concepts to their local sites, even if they never move to a common portal.

Obviously some good overlap between WebCom and VisCom on these ideas. I doubt many projects are so hung up on 'their' web design, from the look of many of the project web sites they could probably enjoy the help. We'll see how the brochures go over, it will be a good start.


Jason Birch wrote:

One of the downfalls of the balkanized open source geospatial community is
that it has been seen as just a set of tools. In order to "sell" OSGeo to
potential users, they will need to see solutions. The most effective case
studies for this task would be cross-project rather than project-specific,
and the community biographies I had in mind would be of users who are
successfully using or contributing to (and getting value from) multiple
projects as well.


Ah, yes, that sounds very appropriate.

As to site layout, I really doubt (but could be wrong) that all of the
existing strong communities will want to modify their existing sites to
conform to an arbitrary OSGeo layout. I certainly don't want to duplicate
content from the project sites or limit their autonomy, but I think that we
need to sell the OSGeo solution up front and in a consistant manner before
the users navigate to the (often dense and technically-oriented) project
pages for more detailed information. Of course, different users have
different needs; developers would likely just be presented with a list of
links to various projects and resources.

As I think Tyler also mentioned, I think the projects are willing to accept
some work towards similar styling and improved navigation though they will
likely never feel entirely consistent.

I guess I'm agreeable in sort of general terms, I just am a bit nervous
about duplication/balkanization of effort.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,